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'Rosa alba 'Maiden's Blush'' rose References
Book  (2021)  Page(s) 64-66.  Includes photo(s).
Alba roses ... 'Great Maiden's Blush' ... Found in numerous locations in the southern half of Sweden. ... Description ...The DNA profile of 'Great Maiden's Blush' is genetically identical with 'Småkärrs Inger'. Their similarity index is 100,0%. The next closest relatives are 'Alba Maxima', 'Alba Suaveolens', 'Alba Semiplena' and 'Gudhem'. Thir similarity index is 68,8%. 'Fru Svensson', 'Chloris' and 'Gunhild' have similarity indices of 63,3, 60,7 respectively 53,6% with 'Great Maiden's Blush'.
Morphologically, 'Great Maiden's Blush' is easily distinguished from the collected white-flowered cultivars of the Alba group by its bloom colour. The numerous and rough prickles of 'Great Maiden's Blush' distinguiishes it from 'Fru Svensson', 'Chloris' and 'Gunhild', all having pink blooms. ...
During the inventory, Pom paid great attention to studying the characteristics that ere said to distinguish 'Maiden's Blush' from 'Great Maiden's Blush'. 16 older accessions were collected for comparative purposes and five accessions were included in Pom's DNA study. In the material that Pom studied there is nothing that shows morohological or genetical differences that would justify the material stdied to be taken into two different varieties. Pom was therefore unable to show that elder bushes of both 'Great Maiden's Blush' and 'Maiden's Blush' grow in today's Swedish gardens. ...
Book  (2012)  Page(s) 31.  
Rosiers Blancs...1re Série...
(R. petite cuisse de Nymphe
(- petite carnée mignone, Cartier
(- Carnea parva, Dupont
Book  (2012)  Page(s) 31.  
Rosiers Blancs...1re Série...
(R. La royale des jardiniers
(- Grande cuisse de nymphe Bot. cult.
(- Duc d'Iorck, à Lille.
(- Alba princesse, Angers
(- Regalis nouv. duh. Tory
Website/Catalog  (2012)  Page(s) 2010.  Includes photo(s).
...Duchesse de Montebello is sold in all of Europe as an Alba-Rose, i.e. as Small Maidens Blush. I have ordered or exchanged Small Maidens Blush from rose nurseries in Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, a total of 14 plants. And every one of them was the light Gallica, or I should better say, the hybrid china Duchesse de Montebello....Also in Sangerhausen was a Duchesse de Montebello labeled as Small Maidens Blush, meanwhile the label has been changed...
Website/Catalog  (2006)  Page(s) 40, 73.  
R. x alba L. var. carnea hort. = 'Carnea'
Book  (2005)  Page(s) 36-37.  Includes photo(s).
'Cuisse de Nymphe', Syn.: Rosa x alba 'incarnata', Rosa x alba 'regalis' Thory, Rosa carnea, 'Grande Royale', 'Grosse Cuisse de Nymphe', 'Rosier blanc royal', 'Great Maiden's Blush' (in England). high shrub (2m), well-branched, the branches bow don under the weight of the flowers, few prickles, blue-green foliage, ovoid and pointed leaflets, double, large, cupped, blooms in June, non-recurring, flesh-coloured white, lighter on the edges, strong fragrance.

.. since a long time nurseries also propose a 'Cuisse de Nymphe émue', also called 'Nymphe naine émue' or even 'Petite anglaise'. The characteristics of this variety is said to be a rose colour more 'ému', i.e. darker (because of being less pale on the edges); this is quite discutable as the colour depends very much on the soil and on the climate (without talking about personal appreciation!). Let us simply say that it seems to be a clone, probably selected in the Kew gardens (England) in 1797, which gave examples of shorter growth. But in commerce, to the displeasure of nurseries, 'Cuisse de nymphe' and 'Cuisse de Nymphe émue' have long been mixed-up.
Book  (2003)  Page(s) 17.  
Peter Beales. 'Great Maiden's Blush'. ....A less common reason for inquiry - though still frequent enough - is the sudden appearance of this rose in a part of the garden where no rose has ever before been seen growing. Such a surprising emergence is usually the result of the rhizomelike roots of 'Maiden's Blush' which, having been hindered from sprouting for one reason or another (usually because of the constant cultivation of a border or the regular cutting of a lawn), suddenly reappear above ground. Such is the will of this rose to live that a new plant can emerge many years after its parent has disappeared, and many yards from its original position.
Book  (Aug 2002)  Page(s) 45.  
Great Maiden's Blush
Alba, prior to 1738
Rated 9.0
Book  (2001)  Page(s) 47.  
Great Maiden's Blush Alba, white, prior to 1738. Rating: 9.0
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 154-155.  
Great Maiden's Blush ('Bella Donna', 'Belle Fille', 'Carné', 'Cuisse de Nymphe Grande', 'Grande Cuisse de Nymphe', 'Incarnata Major', 'La Royale', 'La Virginale', 'Maiden's Blush', 'Regalis') Alba. Unknown, pre-1754. The author cites information from many different sources... pink... whitish pink... pale flesh colour... [Given the name 'Cuisse de Nymphe'] in 1802 by Dumont de Courset; it's the Alba Incarnata or the R. carnea of the Nouveau Duhamel. Prévost received it from Vibert under the name 'La Royale'...
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