'Kolkhoznitsa' rose References
Book (19 Jan 2011) Page(s) 281. 'Kolkhoznitza', HT, m, 1957; flowers lilac-pink, large, dbl., 45 petals, moderate fragrance, foliage dark; very vigorous, compact growth; (Peace X Mirandy); Sushkov & Besschetnova
Book (1976) Page(s) 61. Since 1954 Suschkow and Besstchetnowa in the Botanical Garden of Alma-Ata are dealing with interesting work of study and testing of varieties as well as breeding. ....More than 50 varieties which are adapted better to local conditions, were bred. ... As a result of this work the Hybrid Tea varieties 'Alye Parusa', 'Kasachstanckaja Jubileynaja', 'Kolchozniza', 'Privet iz Alma-Ata', 'Junnatka', 'Jaroslawna' and others were obtained.