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17/11/24 France
Uploaded 17 NOV |
First rose bloom of the year in the whole garden. Medium strength fragrance of myrrh & tea rose on a 4 inch flower. Leaves are prone to blackspot, but this is a tough plant that survives past neglect and drought conditions. The heavy clay soil & cool temperatures (60d/40n) contribute to the sumptuous colors.
Uploaded 13 MAR 24 |
The same flower the next day. The colors faded and the whole blossom shattered the day after. Approximately 5 days between unfurling bud to falling petals. Probably not a good candidate for cut flowers in a formal arrangement, but perfectly fine in a single bud vase. Not all our roses last like wax flowers — yet still bring joy nonetheless.
Uploaded 3 APR |
Uploaded 2 FEB 23 |
It’s a heavy flower and the stems tend to nod in the garden.
Uploaded 13 MAR 24 |
Maryland 7b
Uploaded 6 SEP 22 |
Indoor colors
Uploaded 13 MAR 24 |
03 OCTOBER 2021
Uploaded 5 JAN 22 |