'Cynthia' rose References
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 137. Includes photo(s). Cynthia (WARdrosa, 'Chanterelle') Large-flowered. Bill Warriner 1975. Parentage: Unnamed seedling x 'Bob Hope'. Description... shimmering deep pink... Its name honors Dr. Cynthia Westcott, a well-known American rosarian...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 120. Cynthia Hybrid Tea, deep pink, 1975, (WARdrosa; 'Chanterelle'); Seedling x 'Bob Hope'; Warriner. Description.
Website/Catalog (1982) Page(s) 2. CHANTERELLE ® WARDROSA (Bill Warriner 1975) Grande rose rose foncé. [no longer listed in 1985]
Article (newspaper) (6 Jun 1976) Page(s) 107. Cynthia Westcott. Three New Roses Are Winners. “William Warriner has followed Gene Boerner as a hybridist with an impressive record of fragrant roses. His pedigree of my namesake rose, Cynthia, which will be introduced in 1977, goes back to 1859. An unnamed seedling was crossed with Bob Hope and in 1968 notes made on the offspring were that it was medium‐pink to rosered in color with a very strong Old‐World fragrance and a good plant habit. The parents of the rose seedling were Pink Peace crossed with Happiness and the rose Bob Hope's parents were Friedrich Swartz crossed with Kordes Perfecta.”
Website/Catalog (1975) Page(s) 4. CYBELLE ® (Wardrosa) Nouveauté 75 Rouge caroubier foncé. 60/70 - recommandée pour fleurs coupées - parfumée - Fleurs grandes, élégantes, très doubles, de longue durée sur plante et en vases
[no longer listed in 1976]