'MACtane' rose References
Booklet (2008) An Information List of all Varieties. p6 1982. City of Auckland - Mactane, Nicknamed Tane
Book (2000) Page(s) 164. Includes photo(s). ‘City of Auckland’/MACtane = Hybride de Thé… parfum puissant… grande fleur bien formée, dans une riche tonalité d’orangé… Généreux et bien remontant… buisson résistant au feuillage vert franc, satiné. McGredy, Nouvelle-Zélande, 1981. Photo p.165.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 164-165. Includes photo(s). City of Auckland (MACtane) Hybrid Tea. McGredy (New Zealand) 1984. 'Benson and Hedges Gold' x 'Whisky Mac'... noted for its strong fragrance... shades of orange...
Book (1997) Page(s) 66. Fr. Paul G. Shannahan, SM. What's So Attractive About Rose Growing. Beauty, it is said "delights the senses and pleases the mind', and roses do that for me. For many months of the year I look out on my roses at meal times and I never tire of admiring the changing array of shapes and colours before me. It is highlighted in the colour of, say City of Auckland which seems to always attract the eye in the changing light of the day. Its scent is always rich, generous, even intoxicating.
Book (1997) Page(s) 15. Includes photo(s). City of Auckland [McGredy] was invited to name and present a rose to [his] home city at the NRSNZ Convention in 1981... [this rose] loves the climate of Auckland... Parentage: 'Benson & Hedges Gold' x 'Whisky'...
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 122. Includes photo(s). City of Auckland (MACtane) Large-flowered. Parentage: 'Bendon & Hedges Gold' x 'Whisky Mac'. Sam McGredy 1981. Description... a blend of old gold and orange, sometimes with a bit og pink thrown in... McGredy named it for his adopted home town...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 97. City of Auckland Hybrid Tea, orange blend, 1981, (MACtane); 'Benson & Hedges Gold' x 'Whisky Mac'; McGredy, Sam. Description.
Book (1993) Page(s) 122. Includes photo(s).
Book (1988) Page(s) 71. Conrad Harneiss. Favourite Roses. Those with the threat of the sharpened spade hanging over them are: City of Auckland subject to die back. A lovely thing, but has a weak constitution.
Book (1987) Page(s) 106. Don Sheppard. Final Analysis 1986-87 City of Auckland McGredy 1982, amber-gold; 43 reports, 64 bushes; 2-5 years; 1.6m, 7.3 rating. Reports from Kaitaia to Southland, but none from the City of Auckland! It is a good garden rose, with good colouring, slight fading, fairly quick to open, but has quick repeat. Some reporters mention slight perfume. Southland says it has beautiful perfume. Growth appears to be good, but several reporters say they received poor bushes form the nurseries. Powdery mildew appears to be its main problem. Worth trying in any part of the country.