'DELup' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
25 FEB 04 by
La Passionata (delapo) est actuellement au catalogue Delbard. Ce n'est pas l'obtention de 1969. La photo ci-jointe est celle de la nouvelle variété.
Vous pouvez passer votre photo sur la bonne variété. La variété LA PASSIONATA - DELapo - 1997 est ouverte. sentiments les meilleurs Maurice.
Further to my last comment, Joelle Coury of Delbard (j.coury@delbardpro.com) answered an email inquiry to confirm that they have two varieties known as La Passionata. They recycled the name because they believed the 1969 variety (DELup) was no longer in commercial production. Luckily it does remain in cultivation in Australia. It is truly beautiful - my favourite red HT.
The 1997 variety, DELapo, is described as having petals with an interior colour of true rose and exterior of old gold. As at November 2003 that rose isn't listed on Helpmefind.
#1 of 1 posted
11 AUG 07 by
Usually we are faster, but DELapo is now in HMF!
Pouvez vous ouvrir la nouvelle version de LA PASSIONATA ? - DELapo - DELBARD 1997 - grandes fleurs orange jaune rouge et rose , trés nuancées rosier vigoureux , 80 cm/1 m. Photos à passer - merci - Maurice.
#1 of 1 posted
11 AUG 07 by
Delbard seems to have named a newer breed 'La Passionata' as well. As with most of their older work, the Delbard website does not list this 1969 variety (DELup), which is documented in Botanica, Rogersroses.com and other authorities.
The new 'La Passionata' is DELapo, a mid-red and yellowish blend. This explains the differences in photographs. I'd suggest that Helpmefind rename DELup as 'La Passionata 1969' to help sort out the confusion.