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'DICogle' rose References
Website/Catalog  (2022)  
Valentine Heart ....Dicogle....
Year of UK Introduction: 1990
Parentage: Shona x Pot o' Gold
Bred By: Colin Dickson
Book  (2003)  
'DICogle', F, mp, 1989; (Valentine Heart); description; Dickson, Colin; Dickson Nurseries, Ltd., 1994
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 609.  Includes photo(s).
‘Valentine Heart’ / DICogle / ‘St Andrew’s’ / ‘Tinon’ = Moderne - Buisson à fleurs groupées – Floribunda – rose moyen/tons roses, remontant… ce floribonda prodigue ses corolles aux amateurs de bouquets légers ou de fleurs à la boutonnière. Dickson, UK, 1990. ‘Shona’ * ‘Pot o’ Gold’. +Médaille d’or à Genève 1988...
Book  (Jul 1996)  Page(s) 19.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (Jul 1996)  Page(s) 19.  
Valentine Heart Cluster-flowered bush (Floribunda) Dickson (Northern Ireland) 1990 ('Dicogle') Description.
Book  (1996)  Page(s) 84.  
Valenntine Heart (DICogle) Cluster-flowered (Floribunda) bush. Description. Flowers: pale pink. Parentage: 'Shona' x 'Pot o' Gold'. Dickson (N. Ireland) 1990
Book  (1994)  Page(s) 140.  
Nola Simpson, Manawatu, New Zealand. In The Trial Ground 1992-93.
Certificates of Merit were awarded to the following roses: 'Valentine Heart (DlCogle) - Dickson, Northern Ireland, floribunda, an excellent garden or bedding floribunda, very vigorous and healthy with dense glossy foliage on neat compact bushes. The flowers are a confection of lilac pink and apricot, often scalloped on the petal edges and in full bloom present a massed effect of pink. 
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 620.  
Valentine Heart Floribunda, medium pink, 1989, (DICogle); 'Shona' x 'Pot o' Gold'; Dickson, Patrick. Description.
Book  (Feb 1993)  Page(s) 252, 253 (photo).  Includes photo(s).
Valentine Heart (DICogle) Cluster-flowered floribunda. Parentage: 'Shona' x 'Pot o'Gold'. Northern Ireland 1990. Description and cultivation... Pale scarlet buds open to fragrant blush-pink flowers...
Book  (1989)  Page(s) 22.  
E. F. Allen, Awards to Third Year Rose Seedlings in Great Britain in 1988. 
DICogle ('Shonan' x 'Pot 0' Gold'), an attractive pink Cluster Flower, by Dickson, which displayed much Black Spot late in the season. Certificate of Merit. 
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