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Star of the Republic rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ariel Russ
Fresh from Antique Rose Emporium. Young blooms are very champagne-peach and ruffly.
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Dark Night rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ariel Russ
Bud of Dark Night from my garden in June 2024
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Star of the Republic rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ariel Russ
This Black Baccara just recovered from thrips and iron deficiency. It is super fast to grow back. Fresh from Antique Rose Emporium. Young blooms are very champagne-peach and ruffly.
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Quicksand rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ariel Russ
Absolutely my favorite rose. Bloom, scent, vase and bush life, size & shape. She is perfect! This is a 1yr plant that has not come into her color and size yet.
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Black Baccara ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ariel Russ
This Black Baccara just recovered from thrips and iron deficiency. It is super fast to grow back.
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Quicksand rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ariel Russ
Bud on a baby Quicksand (1 year or less own root).
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Black Baccara ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ariel Russ
Black Baccara bloom in June during daily temps in the 100s, small but glorious.
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Joseph's Coat rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ariel Russ
Such color variation, but this is one of the magentas and darker colors I see.
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