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Jamie's New & Old Rose Garden
Discussion id : 11-777
most recent 7 APR 06 SHOW ALL
Initial post 4 APR 06 by Marina's Garden. Crawfordville, FL
Dear Jamie, thank you for posting your beautiful pictures, I thoroughly enjoyed them. I have a question about your Don Juan.  Please don't take it wrong but are you sure you have 'real' Don Juan?  Your rose looks very different. If you look at the pictures of Don Juan on Helpmefind, you probably would notice the difference.  I don't think Don Juan's blooms come in such big sprays, also its flower buds look different.  The bloom is high centered Hybrid Tea type. 
Please no offense.  Excuse me if you think I'm wrong. Marina Parr
Reply #1 of 4 posted 4 APR 06 by HMF Admin
Jamie, We also need to "talk" about how you're uploading your wonderful photos.  For individual plant photos please use the UPLOAD button found on the PHOTOS tab for every plant.  When you fill out the upload form just be sure to indicate "courtesy of" Jamie's Garden and the photo will then appear on both your garden's photo page AND the photo page for that plant.  As it is now, the only way people will find your photos is if they visit your garden listing.

For example, you have uploaded a stunning photo of 'Memorial Day' - it's a shame it's not included on the 'Memorial Day' rose page too. Please contact us if this is not clear or you need help.

Please also consider telling us more about your gardens progress using the garden's Journal tab.

Thanks !
Reply #3 of 4 posted 7 APR 06 by Jamie68

Dear Admin ~~

Thank-you for the advice!!  As a relatively new poster, I welcome your instructions, and will start doing it the way you recommend!  Is it OK for me to go back and re-post some of my pics under the specific roses they are taken of??  Or should I just post that way from now on??

And I am going to start using the journal feature very soon, as I am redoing my landscaping to incorporate many more roses and would love to share my progress with anyone interested....

Thank-you again!

Jamie (Jamie's New and Old Rose Garden)




Reply #2 of 4 posted 4 APR 06 by HMF Admin

Thanks for following up with your query.  We rely on our site guests to help us keep the site accurate and up to date.

We welcome all to help where they can.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 7 APR 06 by Jamie68


I welcome any and all questions and comments about my roses and/or photos.  As for the rose I called 'Don Juan' -   I can only go by what I know to be true at the time.  When I moved in to this house, a climbing rose was already here.  When I looked at its metal tag, it said "Cl. Don Juan" and that is what I have called it ever since.  Until and unless someone can re-identify it - I will keep calling it 'Don Juan' as the tag says.  Several people in my neighborhood have this same rose, and it is always called 'Don Juan'.......

Thank-you for looking at my pictures, and please feel free to ask any other questions, or suggest a new identity for ol' Don Juan, if you have any ideas... :-)

Jamie ~~ Jamie's New and Old Rose Garden


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