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Kosteckij, Nikolai Danilovich
Discussion id : 169-000
most recent 10 NOV HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 NOV by odinthor
From a review at site EastEuroBooks of a book ("Nikolaj Kosteckij: Sipy i rozy," by Vichljaev K.Arbatskaja Jr.) on Kosteckij, in the following spelled Kostetsky by the anonymous reviewer:

"ND Kostetsky, who was a gifted pomiculturist, agriculturalist, lecturer and theoretician of agricultural economy, within last 10 years of his life had worked at Nikitsky Botanical Garden and within rather short period of time he had developed over 30 rose cultivars. The scientific basis of rose selection, which had been founded by him, had given the Nikitsky Botanical Garden an opportunity to become a leader in the country's rose breeding in 1960-1980s. He was a man of fantastic destiny - an immigrant, prisoner of tsar and soviet prisons (for political beliefs) and a friend of NI Vavylov, who saved his life from commitments and exiles not once. ND Kostetsky died at the age of 75. Up to the last day of his life he held his office at the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. This book is a tribute to the memory of a great scientist who was devoted to his business. It is intended for the general public."
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