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Hobbies, M.M.
Discussion id : 160-798
most recent 26 FEB 24 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 FEB 24 by odinthor
We learn from the Journal of Horticulture and Home Farmer, vol. 57, 1908, p. 33, that the rose referred to in the image posted here at HMF at the Photos tab for Hobbies refers to 'Chin-Chin China': Discussing a display by Hobbies at an exhibition, the periodical mentions "their new Chin-chin yellow China Rose" (the name, sic). This is clearly a different rose than the salmon pink 'Chin Chin' from F. Cant of a couple of decades later.

In periodical The Garden, vol. 74, May 28 1910, p. 266, we read, referring to another exhibit by Hobbies, this time in 1910, " [...] a new China Rose named Chin-Chin (this appearing very robust)."
Reply #1 of 1 posted 26 FEB 24 by Patricia Routley
Thank you. References added. And I have moved the photo to Chin Chin China (china, Hobbies, 1909)
I will alter the bred date from 1909 to 1908.
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