HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens
Discussion id : 110-990
most recent 27 MAY 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 MAY 18 by MicheleL
Good afternoon, I am moving to Fort Bragg in beautiful Mendocino county in California. To my great delight it was the home of a Master Rosarian and was used as a nursery and cultivating site for heritage roses! I have always loved growing roses, but was located in hotter dryer areas. In your search I could find other members by nation/state but it would be super helpful to be able to locate people by there a way to do that and I missed it? Thanks for any help!
Reply #1 of 5 posted 27 MAY 18 by Patricia Routley
Wow! Are you moving to Virginia Hopper and Joyce Demits' old garden? How wonderful.
You need to contact the Gold Coast Heritage Rose Group (see their listing under Societies) or
HelpMeFind member Jeri Jennings. - she is on about page 12 of the list below.

You can search for members by State. Go to PEOPLE / HMF MEMBERS / select UNITED STATES / CALIFORNIA. There are a lot listed and some of the members may not be current. It gets a little difficult to notify HelpMeFind sometimes from Heaven.

Keep in touch Michelei and let us know about your garden in future times.
Reply #2 of 5 posted 27 MAY 18 by Ozoldroser
Wow I too am amazed and please that you might be moving into Joyce Demits garden. Keep us informed please.
Reply #4 of 5 posted 27 MAY 18 by MicheleL
Will do Oz!
Reply #3 of 5 posted 27 MAY 18 by MicheleL
Good morning Patricia. Thank you so much for your response! Yes that is exactly where we will be when all the inspections are over and escrow closes, I can't wait! It is funny, I can't remember very much about the house, I was just so dazzled by her wonderful garden!! I have a plot map of the garden roses and I have been looking them all up, which is how I found helpmefind web site. I have so very much to learn!! Thank you also for pointing me in the right direction. Hope to meet you when we move up! Cheers! Michele
Reply #5 of 5 posted 27 MAY 18 by Patricia Routley
They left a plot map? Oh joy, oh joy. That is EXACTLY what a lover of heritage roses should do. Here is an example of one of my plot maps.
I took care to date it and note now, just three years later there are four changes. (My computer version is always up to date, but I always love to have a paper version to take out into the garden.) As I age, I sometimes have difficulty in recalling the name of a rose, but I know exactly where it is growing and with a bed map, I can turn a page and there is the name, (and class, parentage, breeder, date, provenance and location).

Unfortunately, unless you travel to Western Australia, we will have to know each other only through HelpMeFind - it has become an international website over the years - but it is very nice to meet you.
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