Hi Betty Ann, I was wondering how your Glamis Castle is doing. I love the look of the English roses, but was told that they do not do well here in the Tampa Bay area. Do you have any other English roses that are thriving? Thanks, Pa,
Glamis Castle did not survive the first rainy season here. I had it potted, east facing, under an awning to avoid rain--which balled the blossoms terribly. Still, it didn't make it. Definitely not a good rose for this area.
Sorry I didn't finish the original message. I do have some David Austin roses that are doing pretty well in their third season--Mary Rose, Gertrude Jekyll, and Abraham Darby. They do tend to be leggy though.
There is another great rose if you can get your hands on it--Francois Rabelais. Red quartered floribunda. Looks very much like an English rose.
#3 of 3 posted
2 APR 05 by
Unregistered Guest
Thanks for your reply. I had already purchased a Glamis Castle when I posted the question about it. I have it in a pot also. So far it is doing ok, but it's not summer yet! I have several other austins also in pots. They are slow to bloom and do get leggy. I am trying to figure out if I want to take out more lawn for them or keep them on the patio in the pots. Would like to know if there others that are having good results with roses in large pots. Thanks!