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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Carlene Gerette
most recent 9 SEP 23 SHOW ALL
Initial post 22 FEB 22 by Carlene Gerette
This rose has been covered in black spot since it was planted in the fall, which spread black spot to all my roses close by. I sprayed it a lot with a fungicide, and used a systematic fertilizer to help prevent black spot - nothing worked. Very unhealthy and lacking in vigor. I had to shovel prune it - no choice. I live in Houston, TX area.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 9 SEP 23 by Wm
Thank you for your comment on your experience with Bolero rose in Houston. I'm also in Houston and Bolero was on my list. Will have to reconsider.
From where did it come from? Online order or purchased locally?
most recent 16 FEB 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 FEB 22 by Carlene Gerette
Has anyone grown this rose in a pot and if so for how long? Thanks.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 16 FEB 22 by Patricia Routley
If you haven’t got the room but would like to grow the rose, yes, put it in a pot and perhaps every five years strike another cutting to replace it if it seems strangled. Rosette Delizy grows well from cuttings for me. Just choose a pot with a large opening, rather than a narrow one.
most recent 18 JAN 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 9 NOV 21 by Carlene Gerette
Would this grow well in a large pot in part shade?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 18 JAN 22 by Planetrj (zone 11b/H2 pH 5.8)
Definitely very suitable for pot culture, since it's very compact. It may not grow over 18" tall, ever. Very compact, but with medium-large blooms with a hundred petals. Fragrance wafts for up to 6 feet away. Blooms with 1-2 flowers, but in short spurts throughout the growing season. Doesn't like HOT.
most recent 13 JAN 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 7 NOV 21 by Carlene Gerette
Does anyone have experience growing this in the South Gulf coast area (like Houston?). A lot of roses are healthy in CA, OR and WA state, or up North or in Spain or the UK but are covered with black spot and diseased/die in my garden, due to the higher humidity and months of triple digit weather in the summer (heat index of 106+) Thanks!
Reply #1 of 2 posted 13 JAN 22 by Philip_ATX
I am in Austin, and so far so good. I've been relatively impressed with this one, own root. We aren't quite as wet as you, but still have high BS pressures. My soil, on the other hand, would be nothing like the heavy Houston gumbo-soil, so cannot opine on that, and due to our heat, I do encourage summer dormancy, so I cannot really weigh in on speed of rebloom either. (My immediate impression *might* be that its flower-power could be a little stronger, but she has not been in the ground for a full year yet, and Kordes' roses, particularly own-root, tend to take a little time to settle in.)

Honestly, I cannot understand the mediocre member ratings. This is a strong plant for me, and I anticipate good performance from her. The only thing I can figure is that those reviews come from folks out west where rust is an issue (Kordes' site,, concedes moderate susceptibility to rust) or who have not given it time to settle in.

I am no-spray, BTW. Very few plants can make the cut here. This one is not entirely immune to BS but powers through it. I have some Texas "Earth Kind" cultivars that fair much worse.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 13 JAN 22 by Carlene Gerette
Thank you
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