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most recent 4 JUN 11 SHOW ALL
Initial post 26 NOV 10 by paul_zone5ct
I grew several specimens of William Baffin for about ten years. I raved about them for the first few years, and then they disappointed me. They started to decline, with less and less bloom, and even got diseased. It may not have been blackspot, but it was a leaf fungus of some sort. I tried rejuvenation pruning, which is quite a task with his rose - the canes are like tree trunks. Nothing worked, so I cut them back to the ground and replaced them with other varieties. Suckers like crazy, even years after I chopped them down.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 6 APR 11 by anonymous-585567
my william baffin rose is growing like mad, a little too crazy, that's why I'm online looking for info on it. and frankly there is not much out there. So it's not a real climbing rose? just a rambler, I hear. I just cut off about 1/3 of the growth since it's been sending stalks skyward into the air about 3 feet above the arbor. Itr also suckers, and I'm also getting some disease after feeding a system also. zone 6, lehigh valley, pa
Reply #2 of 2 posted 4 JUN 11 by Chris
no, it's more of a huge (car sized) shrub, but it will bloom incessantly when it gets going. just once the first year. always neat looking, very canadian!
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