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Raspberry Cupcake ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Fumblingwithflowers
I'm obsessed with this rose!
Uploaded 30 MAY
Raspberry Cupcake ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Fumblingwithflowers
Young plant already blooming its head off! Fantastic rose!
Uploaded 30 MAY
Raspberry Cupcake ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Fumblingwithflowers
Perfect rounded habit so far.
Uploaded 30 MAY
Blossomtime rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Fumblingwithflowers
Two colors for the price of one!
Uploaded 26 MAY
Raspberry Cupcake ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Fumblingwithflowers
Raspberry Cupcake rose holds its color really well.
Uploaded 30 MAY
Boscobel rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Fumblingwithflowers
Boscobel is stunning in spring at least! So beautiful!
Uploaded 26 MAY
Raspberry Cupcake ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Fumblingwithflowers
Ruffles like Scentuous rose but holds color well and much healthier in my garden.
Uploaded 30 MAY
Zéphirine Drouhin rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Fumblingwithflowers
Uploaded 26 MAY
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