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Such an awesome rose! :)
Uploaded 30 JUN |
Taken around February or March 2022 in Cape Coral FL Zone 10b. Cyd's Compassion is among my top 10 best roses ever for South Florida. What an underappreciated GEM of a rose. Zero disease problems in my no spray garden, constant bloom, heavy flowerbud set all year long, and the flowers are absolutely adorable... small but charming, globular/incurved blossoms.
Even in my tropical climate this shrub never gets more than 4' tall and wide. Very upright, stiff, vase shaped habit of growth. Far superior to any Knockout rose I've ever seen in terms of both beauty and performance.. definitely a great variety for mass plantings, low hedges, mixed gardens and even containers.
A simply fantastic rose that should be widely grown wherever it is hardy (Zone 7b or warmer).
Uploaded 12 DEC 23 |
Taken March 2024 in Fort Lauderdale FL. A truly excellent rose (makes sense, as he is a sport of 'Tiffany', another awesome rose). Basically looks like 'Peace' but with a much more shapely and graceful flower in my opinion... 'Peace' always looks coarse and cumbersome bc the flowers are SO big. Sometimes less is more y'all. Sweet fruity fragrance similar to 'Tiffany', perhaps a little lighter. This is a great rose for any regions that have mild winters and/or hot humid summers. Blooms well even with little or no winter chill.
Uploaded 18 JUN |
Taken around February or March 2022 in Cape Coral FL Zone 10b. Cyd's Compassion is among my top 10 best roses ever for South Florida. What an underappreciated GEM of a rose. Zero disease problems in my no spray garden, constant bloom, heavy flowerbud set all year long, and the flowers are absolutely adorable... small but charming, globular/incurved blossoms.
Even in my tropical climate this shrub never gets more than 4' tall and wide. Very upright, stiff, vase shaped habit of growth. Far superior to any Knockout rose I've ever seen in terms of both beauty and performance.. definitely a great variety for mass plantings, low hedges, mixed gardens and even containers.
A simply fantastic rose that should be widely grown wherever it is hardy (Zone 7b or warmer).
Uploaded 12 DEC 23 |
Without a doubt, absolutely one of the best and most unique David Austin roses ever released... why they discontinued this (and many other great roses) is totally beyond my sensibilities. The flowers are very unique in their blousy rustic charm and are wonderful for pollinator gardens.
Despite what the description says, this shrub NOT aa poor bloomer; in fact, she is very everblooming in my tropical Zone 10b/11a climate. This is also one of the few DA roses that is naturally nematode resistant in places like South Florida; it can be planted on its own roots and need not be grafted.
My only complaint about Marinette is that the canes are COVERED in big, stiff, viciously sharp thorns that will easily draw blood. Definitely not a variety to site near a patio or walkway or other situations where you may walk into her.
Uploaded 20 MAR |
Taken around February or March 2022 in Cape Coral FL Zone 10b. Cyd's Compassion is among my top 10 best roses ever for South Florida. What an underappreciated GEM of a rose. Zero disease problems in my no spray garden, constant bloom, heavy flowerbud set all year long, and the flowers are absolutely adorable... small but charming, globular/incurved blossoms.
Even in my tropical climate this shrub never gets more than 4' tall and wide. Very upright, stiff, vase shaped habit of growth. Far superior to any Knockout rose I've ever seen in terms of both beauty and performance.. definitely a great variety for mass plantings, low hedges, mixed gardens and even containers.
A simply fantastic rose that should be widely grown wherever it is hardy (Zone 7b or warmer).
Uploaded 12 DEC 23 |
The delicate beauty of Cyd's individual flowers... if you're looking for an old-fashioned cottage garden type rose on a DISEASE PROOF EVERBLOOMING PLANT, you've come to the right place. I guarantee you won't be disappointed.
Uploaded 12 DEC 23 |
Taken March 2022 in Cape Coral FL zone 10b. Brian Michael's fragrance is so delicious and incredible... a very strong blend of lemony old rose, myrrh and fruit. It is definitely not as myrrh-y (stinky?) as many of the myrrh-scented David Austin roses... it's very sweet, strong, and enjoyable. He tends to bloom in long-stemmed clusters of four, and a single sprig is enough to perfume an entire room. Just lovely.
Uploaded 31 AUG 23 |
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