HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
most recent 9 DEC 21 SHOW ALL
Initial post 18 JAN 18 by mamabotanica
Anyone know who sells this in the US? Or how it might perform in zone 10b (So Cal)?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 9 DEC 21 by AaronSteppe
Northland Rosarium has limited quantities. I was intrigued!
most recent 1 SEP 21 SHOW ALL
Initial post 7 MAY 19 by Thornbush
Rose jacqueline du pre Does not appear to be available for purchase anywhere in the US.
Would love to have a cutting at least.

Update: Heirloom Roses has it now.
Update April 2021 US zone 9b. I have had this rose, in a pot, for a couple of years now. The scent is my favorite of all my roses I love the form of the flower and its red stamens. It has at least a few blooms throughout the season. Its prickles remind me of rugosas. It is not a flower for cutting, lasting only a day, but it is a delight.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 7 MAY 19 by Palustris
'Jacqueline du Pré' was one of my biggest disappointments in rose growing. I purchased this rose from Vintage Gardens in 1999 and 2002 and from Heirloom Roses in 2007. Every one failed to thrive and died. I only persisted in purchasing this rose since it was considered "the future of shrub roses" in some book to which I gave credence (maybe Harkness or Austin). Perhaps the clone in the USA was weak and not representative of the mother plant and died out for those vendors that sold it.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 1 SEP 21 by Nastarana
Mine, from Vintage also died and it was a disease ridden mess while still alive. I thought at the time it couldn't tolerate my climate. I don't know about hardiness because it died before winter came. It looked so pretty in the pictures. sigh
Reply #2 of 3 posted 31 AUG 21 by AaronSteppe
I came here to find out how its cut flowers were--thank you for providing that insight! I'll leave them on the bush :)
most recent 8 AUG 21 SHOW ALL
Initial post 4 MAY 19 by bumblekim
Modern Roses 12 points "Mini Eden" to "MIMI Eden", in bold, with all the correct info about Meilland, etc. I am not sure if It's a typo but maybe "Mimi Eden" should be listed as the synonym? I am not sure if anything was updated in subsequent "Modern Roses". I don't understand this "Mimi" because it is just a miniaturized version of Eden, who is this Mimi?
Reply #1 of 3 posted 5 MAY 19 by Patricia Routley
Mimi is surely a typo. Meilland's website calls it: Rosier grimpant mini PIERRE DE RONSARD ® Meibigboni
Reply #2 of 3 posted 7 AUG 21 by AaronSteppe
Does anyone else find the name MEIbigboni hilarious? He's not fat, he's just big boned!
Reply #3 of 3 posted 8 AUG 21 by jedmar
Or the breeder received big boni (bonusses) ? :)
most recent 31 JUL 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 JUL 21 by AaronSteppe
Hi There!

I wanted to find out if you were still in commerce--I saw that you've had some recent updates but couldn't find a phone number or website. I've been after Grace Seward for a while, and it looks like you might grow it? Is that accurate? I'd love to purchase if at all possible. Thanks for carrying miniatures!!

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