HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
most recent 26 APR 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 APR 17 by Olympia
Whò exactly is this 'Beryl Joyce' ? Albrecht Dürer , the person to whom this magnificent rose originately was dedicated , can be seen as the Leonardo da Vinci of the North . Suffice to 'google' him up and support your jaw before it drops to the floor .
In my opinion there is no need to switch names for roses or any other public aimed happening . To hold up the original name of a person or a place contributes to a more profound and richer world in the light of learning and realising we are all members of the same species ; hence all one .
So people , keep your eyes and your heart equally open ;
this opinion lovingly shared by
most recent 30 SEP 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 SEP 16 by Olympia
Hi everybodyreading !
I plan to get a rosa banksiae banksiae grow in a knotted curlywillowtree (hence salix tortuosa/babylonica) -which should be allright bùt : it faces north/northwest!
So what do y' all think , is this feasable either way or other?
Thanks for your answers !!
most recent 30 SEP 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 SEP 16 by Olympia
On the site of Lens Roses , this rose is mentioned tot be quite winterhardy .
For your ease , I copied the following information from the rose in english. If you go to their site you can choose either nederlands , français or english.,session_id=52614030205
I have no experience with this rose at all , but maybe you , reader , will be charmed by it and give it a try in your garden.
Good Luck !

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