Whò exactly is this 'Beryl Joyce' ? Albrecht Dürer , the person to whom this magnificent rose originately was dedicated , can be seen as the Leonardo da Vinci of the North . Suffice to 'google' him up and support your jaw before it drops to the floor . In my opinion there is no need to switch names for roses or any other public aimed happening . To hold up the original name of a person or a place contributes to a more profound and richer world in the light of learning and realising we are all members of the same species ; hence all one . So people , keep your eyes and your heart equally open ; this opinion lovingly shared by Olympia
Hi everybodyreading ! I plan to get a rosa banksiae banksiae grow in a knotted curlywillowtree (hence salix tortuosa/babylonica) -which should be allright bùt : it faces north/northwest! So what do y' all think , is this feasable either way or other? Thanks for your answers !! Olympia
On the site of Lens Roses , this rose is mentioned tot be quite winterhardy . For your ease , I copied the following information from the rose in english. If you go to their site you can choose either nederlands , français or english. http://www.lens-roses.be/html/search_w.dhtml?oper=Get&search_detail=N&id=1689,session_id=52614030205 I have no experience with this rose at all , but maybe you , reader , will be charmed by it and give it a try in your garden. Good Luck !