Initial post
2 JUL 15 by
Gorgeous colour, June bloom looks fabulous, however does get mildew in my garden.
Initial post
1 JUL 15 by
Fascinating, characterful and beautiful clematis that should be more widely grown, flowers start as green clenched spidery fists and unfurl greenish becoming white. Appears to stay short and should be fine in a pot, robust and reblooms well.
Initial post
1 JUL 15 by
Stunning, large fragrant blooms but plagued by blackspot in my garden. Still, I keep it just for those flowers...
Initial post
1 JUL 15 by
This rose was sold to me as Variegata di Bologna, however I am quite sure it is Ferdinand Pichard due to the pink background to the flowers and ease of rebloom (VdB seems to be rebloom shy). This is a most healthy and very vigorous rose which is covered in blooms at the first flush with smaller reblooms in August and again in October to first frost. Rebloom has improved with age and was a single flower in its first year of planting. Uniquely, in my climate it gets no disease whatsoever and I live in a particularly warm, humid part of Ireland (which is humid anyway!). Mine plant is about four years in the ground and has improved every year, initially I was a bit disappointed by the size of the flowers but they are noticeably larger this year, good fragrance too.