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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 18 FEB 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 FEB 19 by Jay-Jay
I've once visited friends in Drayton Valley. And the first thing that comes in mind, when I remember my stay in Alberta, is the air scented with rose-perfume and flowering clover. That scent was omnipotent. Have been at places fully covered with wild roses. Do not know which-one...(just found on the internet: Rosa acicularis) On the license-plates was stated at that time: Alberta Wild Rose Country.
And took clover-honey back home, in my hand-luggage. But that caused some consternation when x-rayed, for the pots had metal rings and popped up like some home-made explosives. Home made? Yes, but only sweet and tasteful. The officer had a good laugh, when he saw the harmless content.

Isn't it hard to grow roses in zone 3b? Or are all Your roses suited for that job?
Nice photo's of Fall-colors of foliage You uploaded.
most recent 26 FEB 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 FEB 18 by prairie_northrose
Produces little or no pollen. Does not set hips. Hardy to the tips here in Zone 3, zero die back last year.

Last year was the second year I have had Polareis. The first year, flowers had very little fragrance, although the leaves and buds had a distinct "nutty" scent. In the second year, the flowers have definitely developed a light rose fragrance which can be noticed depending on the time of day.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 26 FEB 18 by Nastarana
Lovely rose and bush but I do wish the petals would fall. It is a thorny menace and needs to be deadheaded, especially since it grown well over my head.
most recent 25 FEB 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 FEB 18 by prairie_northrose
Bright vibrant pink flowers, which bloom in large mass round clusters at the end of branches. Support is useful once flowering to keep upright. Although it blooms slightly later in the season for, it holds blooms later than all my other hardy roses, sometimes well into October here in zone 3. Blooms have a faint strawberry fragrance, which has become stronger as the years have gone by.

Attractive shiny green foliage with new growth tinged orange. Very resistant to blackspot and powdery mildew.

Foliage stays fresh until the last killing frost. However, there is significant dieback and plenty of thorny stems for me to cut back here in zone 3. However, the vigor of this rose is unmatched, it quickly grows into a four foot or more dense bush each year within a short time. I would describe it as a monster of a plant!

Flowers have very little pollen, and it does not set hips.
most recent 6 AUG 15 SHOW ALL
Initial post 8 APR 08 by Unregistered Guest
I believe Rugelda is more cold-tollerant than 5B. Here in northwest New Jersey I am in a high altitude and mountainous location with high winds in winter where I grow mostly zone 4 roses and this one has survived a number of years. It isn't bushy, mostly lanky but healthy with roses that repeat a few times during the season. The color is very pretty, a nice shade of yellow with just a little red around the edge of the petals. Mine grows in a slightly shaded spot. I would recommend it as few roses are really continuous anyway such as "Knock Out."
Reply #1 of 3 posted 8 APR 08 by HMF Admin
This is great insight - exactly the kind of feedback that makes HMF so useful. Thanks !
Reply #2 of 3 posted 14 JUL 08 by Chris
this is my Rugelda's second year in zone 5b and it heavily winterkilled last winter but is back with force this year. It does seem to reach out like a rambler! chris in ct.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 6 AUG 15 by prairie_northrose
I grow Rugelda in Zone 3. It had died back to the ground but has since grown back is now a robust 4" tall.
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