Available from - Heirloom Roses http://heirloomroses.com
Available from - Jackson & Perkins http://www.jacksonandperkins.com
I have a listing of the 2015 Miniature Roses I just received from Burling Leong of Burlington Roses. This is her comment to my inquiry: "Hello Pat, I don't have Avandel or June Laver. Hot Tamale, Loving Touch, and Teddy Bear will be in stock late April. They are grown in 5 inch bands @ 8.00 each. I can ship up to 6 miniatures in a medium flat rate box @ 11.30 and up to 8 miniatures in a large flat rate box @ 15.80. I have attached my miniature rose list. I am out of stock on many of the miniatures but hope to have them back in stock in spring. Thank you for your inquiry, Burling of Burlington Rose Nursery"
How can I get this list to you?
Pat Decano
In the process of moving to Oregon (10/24/14)