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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 20 APR 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 APR 15 by Silvestris
This is the first time I post a question, so please let me know if I'm doing it wrong.

I have a big black spot problem in my rose borders - the vast majority of my plants are suffering from it, only a few have managed to stay healthy. I've tried removing all leaves, pruning the bushes so they're more airy and treating the soil with Trichoderma-enriched mulch, but I really can't say I've seen any improvement.

This last winter has been so mild I'm already finding the first black spots on my plants. I'm loath to simply get rid of the bushes, since many were hard to get and couldn't be replaced. So is there any other, more efficient way of treating it? All help and suggestions are very welcome!

Thank you.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 20 APR 15 by Jay-Jay
Maybe this will benefit Your roses...
Spraying solution used by the Rosarium in Winschoten Netherlands:
List of ingredients per litre hand-warm water(lowest used amounts)
- 2 grams of Magnesia-sulphate (Bitter-salt)
- 2 grams of spraying sulphur (f.i. Microsulfo Bayer or in the US: Micro Sulf® see: )
- 2 ml of Algeco S (or another sea-algae solution)
- 7 ml of a seaweed extract
- 5 grams of sodium-bicarbonate (baking-soda)
- 5 ml of sunflower seed oil,
- 0.25 ml of dish-washing detergent,

Dissolve in 1L lukewarm water and use under dry weather-circumstances at temperatures below 25°C.
Clean the spraying equipment after use with hot water and detergent or degreaser.
Repeat after lots of raining or in 10-14 days' intervals)
Success and good luck!
Reply #2 of 3 posted 20 APR 15 by Silvestris
Thank you very much! I'll see fi I can get my hand on all of the ingredients and give it a try!
Reply #3 of 3 posted 20 APR 15 by Jay-Jay
Try the drug-store or the Pharmacist.
You might do it the simple way if not all the ingredients are available: Just use the Micro-sulphur from Bayer.
Most likely to get in Sweden too at the hardware-store or an agricultural shop.
most recent 25 JUL 14 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 JUN 14 by Michael Garhart
Well, I finally got to smell it @ Washington Park. It was scentless :[

It did look quite healthy enough, but it wasnt in my taste type.

Zaide, a typical pink, also by Kordes really blew me away, and I generally dislike pinks. It was quite scented, had neat form, and loaded with color everywhere.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 25 JUL 14 by Silvestris
My Novalis definitely has a scent; a sweet rosey scent without those hints of citrus the light mauves often have. Maybe it depends on climate?
Reply #2 of 2 posted 25 JUL 14 by Michael Garhart
Definitely possible.
most recent 29 JUN 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 JUN 14 by Silvestris
I've only been growing roses for about two years, but I'm constantly learning new things. Despite living far north, we're blessed with a climate that's practically continental, and can cajole many unexpected roses to bloom. I especially have a soft spot for the blues and purples, and aim to collect as many as I can!

I'm always open to trade, so if there's anyone out there who has any fun purples I don't yet own, and/or who'd like cuttings from mine - just PM me!
most recent 26 JUN 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 26 JUN 14 by Silvestris
One of the weakest plants in my garden - I live on Gotland, Sweden (equivalent to zone 7, I think) and this is one of the first roses I planted when I moved to this house three years ago. While it comes back and blooms obediently every year, the plant itself is a trainwreck - the blackspot shows up on the very first leaves and stubbornly refuses to be treated, it'll drop all foliage and the cane growth is lanky and weak. Compared to all the other roses in the border it's definitely the weakest one, and every spring that it does come back for another round I'm pleasantly surprised.
The color is wonderful, though, I really do wish it'd do better in my garden.
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