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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 21 FEB 14 SHOW ALL
Initial post 14 FEB 14 by jwklingon
I am trying to locate a Whisky Mac TANky variety but none of the listed nursuries are comming up with anything. Do you have and resources for this rose? We had to leave our behind in Florida.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 20 FEB 14 by lookin4you2xist
Sorry - I didn't reply sooner. I rarely come on HMF anymore. I still garden. Heirloom Roses, Inc. looks like your best bet in the USA
Sold as 'Whisky'. If they do not have it in stock , you might have them prop it for you, but It would likely cost more money. Best of luck.
Andrew Grover
Reply #2 of 2 posted 21 FEB 14 by jwklingon
I did try them with no luck. However anonter HMF member did replie after finding one on EBay through an off chance random search. I never thought of checking that way for a rare rose but I got it. Thanks for your help.
most recent 16 FEB 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 FEB 14 by jwklingon
I am trying to locate a Whisky Mac TANky variety but none of the listed nursuries are comming up with anything. Do you have and resources for this rose? We had to leave our behind in Florida.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 16 FEB 14 by HMF Admin
Please use HMF's private message facility for this type of personal inquiry.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 16 FEB 14 by jwklingon
I tried that and it said your account did not accept private messages. Sorry. Anyway my question was answered by another HMF member.
most recent 16 FEB 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 FEB 14 by jwklingon
I am trying to locate a Whisky Mac TANky variety but none of the listed nursuries are comming up with anything. Do you have and resources for this rose? We had to leave our behind in Florida.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 15 FEB 14 by Beth's Northern CA Rose Garden
Well, it appears the only place listing it in the USA is Heirloom Roses. It is currently out of stock, tho. I would email or call them and ask if they plan to propagate any in the near future. I got mine quite a few yrs ago as a bagged bareroot probably at Home Depot or one of the other big box stores. I haven't seen it sold that way in a long time. I'm afraid it hasn't been a very good rose for me. Doesn't bloom much. But could just be bad soil where it's located. Anyway, if you want it badly enough, I'd contact Heirloom and see if they can get it rooted for you.

Reply #2 of 3 posted 15 FEB 14 by jwklingon
I too got the original at Home Depot many years ago as a birthday present for my wife when we lived in Florida. Ours was bloom crazy so you may be right about the soil issue. Unfortunately we had to leave ours behind when we left that state and have not been able to run accross it since. I already talked with Heirloom starting over a year ago and you are right they nor any other US nursury has it currently and if they dont have it they cant propigate it. On the bright side another HMF member surprised himself and me and foound someone who had propogated it and is selling the bare root on Ebay of all places where I bought one for my wife's Valentines day present. It shold get her in week 1 or 2 of March. Thank you for your interest and effort.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 16 FEB 14 by Beth's Northern CA Rose Garden
Wow, that was fast! Very cool. So Heirloom doesn't even have a Mother plant? If that's the case, then they shouldn't show it in their list on the website as a "sold out." That's misleading. Oh well, at least you found someone who had it. I'm glad for you!
most recent 15 FEB 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 FEB 14 by jwklingon
I am trying to locate a Whisky Mac TANky variety but none of the listed nursuries are comming up with anything. Do you have and resources for this rose? We had to leave our behind in Florida.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 14 FEB 14 by Cliff
From your message I assume you already tried Heirloom and Roses Unlimited.

It's a very popular rose in Europe and sold by many nurseries, but unfortunately isn't well known in this country and not often available. I just did a google search though and it appears to be available on ebay here:

Other than that, I didn't find anything. I hope the ebay option works out for you. Good luck!

Reply #2 of 4 posted 14 FEB 14 by jwklingon
Thanks. Hadn't thought of Ebay because of the relatively small market interest this would generate.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 14 FEB 14 by Cliff
I hadn't thought of it specifically, but it showed up in a google search for the rose.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 15 FEB 14 by jwklingon
I got one there. You and the other HMF people that responded are the best!
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