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Loaded 8th November
Grown in Emu Plains, Australia.
Uploaded 7 NOV 21 |
Uploaded 19 OCT 21 |
Uploaded 7 NOV 21 |
Bred by R & R Walsh Roses the rose has Ausrose Rising Star status. Very popular in Australia with Australian Bred rose enthusiasts.
Uploaded 18 OCT 21 |
Extremely large Hybrid Tea bred by Trevor Grant. The bloom starts as a yellow bud and finishes as white full bloom. The rose was named after Seth Irwin son of Neutrog Managing Director. Angus Irwin.
Uploaded 20 OCT 21 |
The 2019 Australian Bred Rose of the Year bred by Bruce Brundrett.
Uploaded19th Oct. 2021
Uploaded 18 OCT 21 |
AUSbred Floribunda by Dr Bruce Chapman.
Uploaded 19 OCT 21 |
Another rose bred by Bruce Brudrett.
28th 0ctober 2021
Uploaded 17 OCT 21 |