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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Steven Cook
most recent 12 AUG 23 SHOW ALL
Initial post 7 MAR 20 by Steven Cook
Is Red Cracker the same as Louis Philippe? They seem similar and a synonym for Louis Philippe is the Florida Rose.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 12 AUG 23 by Sam Bahr
No, it is a very different rose than 'Louise Phillipe'. The flowers are a much darker red and have white streaks in the petals. The petals do not get lighter in color at the tips of the petals. I will post a photo.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 12 AUG 23 by scvirginia
I don't think everyone agrees about whether or not there is only one 'cracker rose'. I think the phrase has been used by some to describe any of the crimson China Roses that thrive in Florida, including 'Louis Philippe'. Others think there is one "Cracker Rose" that has been found growing in various parts of Florida, and whose original name is unknown.
most recent 12 NOV 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 NOV 22 by Steven Cook
A 90-year-old friend of mine who grew up in Georgia recently told me this was his mother's favorite. Roses Unlimited has a picture of it on their website, but it isn't currently listed for sale.
most recent 14 AUG 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 5 JUN 22 by Steven Cook
I have found this rose to sucker aggressively, even though it is growing in rather dense shade for a rose. This year it also is showing some yellowing foliage and some die-back. Maybe the shade has gotten to dense over the years. It always blooms nicely in May. Now it is setting hips. I wonder why it has no descendants.
Reply #1 of 8 posted 12 AUG 22 by Mervey
Hi, About 20 years ago I got 1 stem with almost no root from a very, very, very old plant and it has grown as hell and suckered too. Today I have 2 big compact plants with suckers almost everywhere around. No much care, almost "wild" and they bloom well in May too, I got 6 red hips and I asked in the forum section if this rose has descendants and if someone would be willing to try to grow them (with no guarantee of any success). Margaret Furness replied me that 'La Belle Sultane' actually has descendants. As a premium member, you can go to the "Lineage" tab to find the descendants. Greetings !
Reply #2 of 8 posted 13 AUG 22 by Margaret Furness
Have a look at the second part of heritagerosesdotorgdotau/articles/rose-breeding/ (replace dot with .) to see how Warren Millington handles seed. Note that it was written for the southern hemisphere, so you'll need to change the timing.
Reply #3 of 8 posted 13 AUG 22 by Mervey
Thank you very much Margaret. This article is very interesting (and this blog seems to be a gold mine for learning). But I am absolutely unexperienced and I am scrared to do this especially that I have only 6 hips. This is why I "send an SOS" in the hope that an experienced person, not necessarily a professional, would be willing to help/take the process.
Reply #4 of 8 posted 13 AUG 22 by Margaret Furness
I can't help from this distance. But a few points for a beginner: the hip contains a growth inhibitor, so you have to cut into it and take the seeds out: don't plant the whole hip.
If you're going to plant in autumn, or if you don't have a cold winter, you'll need to put the seeds in the crisper (vegetable compartment) of your fridge for a few weeks first. One method is to put them between two damp (not wet) kitchen sponges, and put that into a sealed plastic container.
When you plant the seeds, don't use heating underneath the pot - most roses evolved in cold-winter climates.
Good luck!
Reply #5 of 8 posted 13 AUG 22 by Mervey
Thank you Margaret. Haha, no, you physically can't but you help otherwise. Ok, the inhibitor makes sense otherwise the seeds would grow on the mother plant itself, wouldn't they ?
What is the best periode for harvesting the hips (it's full Summer here now) ? Do I need to wait until the hips are totally red ? few already are completly dark red but the others still are green/redish.
The region where I live (Brittany) is not reputated for having regular rough winters (we benefit of the Gulf Steam passage), it's rather rainy so I will do as you say.
Reply #6 of 8 posted 13 AUG 22 by Margaret Furness
Mervey, George Thomson says that if any part of the hip has ripe colouring, the seeds are ripe enough to plant. He plants in mid-winter (after putting them in the fridge).
Warren Millington says that he would harvest seeds from late summer to mid-autumn, and put the seeds in the fridge for 6 weeks.
Both of them are in areas with relatively mild winters. Maybe someone from the northern hemisphere would like to add advice.
Reply #7 of 8 posted 14 AUG 22 by Mervey
Margaret, you have a true gift for making complicated things simple and you give me courage, thank you very much :-)
I think I am going to choose Warren Millington's method, it seems to fit better to my conditions.

I won't forget to update my progress (or my failure, haha !) at time.

Big, big Thank you Margaret !

Greetings, Françoise
Reply #8 of 8 posted 14 AUG 22 by Margaret Furness
Thank you!
most recent 7 AUG 21 SHOW ALL
Initial post 26 AUG 16 by Steven Cook
Is R. kordesii available from anyone in the United States?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 7 AUG 21 by zlesak
Freedom Gardens with Peter Schneider has it in the collection and he is willing to sell cuttings/budwood.
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