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Uploaded 2 DEC 18 |
R. cv Duchesse de la Tremoille is still in cultivation in Australia, a good flowerer and mossless seedling of R. cv William Lobb.
Uploaded 22 JAN 16 |
The seed parent of Duchesse de Guermantes was Rosa de la Grifferae..
Uploaded 2 DEC 18 |
R. cv Princesse de Parme is still in cultivation in Australia and has proved to be very tough. It is more than 2 m tall in an old collection in the Barossa Valley. The flower buds are a delight.
Uploaded 22 JAN 16 |
Duchesse de la Tremoille climbing through Buddleja officinalis and Mme Louis Leveque.
Uploaded 2 DEC 18 |
R. cv Princesse de Parme is still in cultivation in Australia and has proved to be very tough. It is more than 2 m tall in an old collection in the Barossa Valley.
Uploaded 22 JAN 16 |
Dr Brian Morley working on description of new cultivar Odette de Crecy, a selection from cv Nuits de Yong, in October 2015 at Mount Pleasant, S. Australia. Photo courtesy of Ann Boyle.
Uploaded 22 JAN 16 |
This is an unknown rose, perhaps a China, being sold in Australia as R. cv Duchesse de Guermantes. It is not mossed and has paler, smaller and nodding flowers.
Uploaded 22 JAN 16 |