registration name of 'Commandant Cousteau' is ADAharman, no ADHarman
I am sure you are right as the code for Michel Adam roses is usually ADA. However the American Rose Society Modern Roses data base is showing ADharman. We'll make enquiries.
Even more puzzling is the code that Tasman Roses in New Zealand are showing for the same rose, 'Lasting Love'. (ADAbreton)
Nope. It was registerd as Adharman. Actually, there have been other Michel Adam code names which have not followed the ADA format, such as Adecosil, Adecorhuit, Adecohuit, Adecapma, Adesmanod, and Adharos.
hello, rose " Louise Weiss " bred by Paul Pekmez in 1993 not in 2006
PhotoDiscussion id : 92-078
Le nom de cette rose est : Christina Kienzle
Thank you rosier56. We've merged the two files. We've also got this rose listed as 'Christina Kuenzle' , as well as 'Christina Kienzle'. I understand 'Christina Kuenzle' might be the correct name.
#2 of 3 posted
14 APR 16 by
May be you are right ! there is no answer on internet... thank you for the reply
#3 of 3 posted
16 APR 16 by
This rose was bred by Richard Huber and on his nursery website this rose is listed as: Rosa (Hubers Duftrose) 'Christina Kuenzle'® ... So Kienzle must be wrong, for the name 'Christina Kuenzle' is a registered trademark. The wesite: http://www.rosen-huber.ch/WinArboR.dll/WINARBOR_DETAIL?SHOP_ID=4316541&MID=213477&PCMD=~57494E4152424F525F4C495354094D49443D313830333133265155455259544558543D436872697374696E61204BFC6E7A6C652646494C5445523D3138303331332646494C5445525F4C495354524F4F543D3137393637352653554348454E3D4F4B094141415F34333136353431&UID=DD0FED3A45FFD9A6C33B732996BB93921CB72C9E8DFB6D1F states for this rose:
"Huber 2009. Blüte: aprikosenfarbig - zierliche, elegante Knospen - 40 Blütenblätter - 10 cm Durchmesser - gute Schnittrose - starker, fruchtiger Rosenduft. Pflanze: straff aufrecht wachsend - kräftiges sattgrünes, lederartiges Laubwerk - dauerblühend - 80 cm hoch. Rosengruppen: Edelrosen Blütenfarben: Orange Töne Blütenduft: Stark Duftend, Fruchtig Blütenmerkmale: Stark gefüllt, Großblumig, Öfterblühend, Kontin. blühend Wuchsstärke: kräftig, gut wüchsig, starktriebig, langtriebig Wuchsform: kompakt, aufrecht Wuchshöhe: 70- 90 cm Verwendung: Vasenschnitt, Terrassen Blätter: lederartig, sattgrün, gesund Pflanzenbedarf: 7-8 Stck/m² "
It's not " Nadia Meillandeco ® " but : " Nadia Meillandécor ® "