I believe you are correct as well. Please take a look at my photos and let me know if you think I'm growing the correct cultivar. The rose in my garden came from Heirloom Roses, St. Paul, OR around 10 years ago. The photos match many of the old rose trading cards and greeting cards that portray La France.
I agree. I acquired La France from Heirloom Roses several years ago from stock that John Clements procured. Several times my version has been questioned. Based on every description I've read and all of the older botanical prints of this rose I believe we have the true La France. I've seen the incorrect plant in several prominent public and private gardens identified as La France. One particular garden grows both cultivars in the same bed with both labeled as La France. I understand why so many people are confused about this wonderful rose. If you like pink and wonderful old rose fragrance this one is a must have.
#1 of 1 posted
10 AUG 16 by
It really is a lovely rose! A local garden has a very old plant of it, neglected but still blooming. That being said, the plant architecture could be improved
I've been looking at your photo of Radiance and Red Radiance. I have a huge rose plant that was originally red when I discovered the plant. Over the last 10 years has sported to pink and is about half red & half pink. Would like to have you look at photos and give me your opinion. Could this be climbing Red Radiance with a pink sport?
I'm no expert, but it could be Red Radiance reverting to Radiance; but both had several sports including pink ones - have a look under Lineage. I'm not familiar with most of them.
Geatdanelover - take a look at the oldest (first) comment in the 'Radiance' file.
I've read all comments and I'm aware of the many sports associated with Radiance. Just don't know what this rose is, found on the property when I bought the house which dates to 1935. I've never seen Radiance or any of the sports. Two USA experts think the rose is like Climbing Mme. Caroline Testout or A version of Climbing Radiance. Would just like to know ...
You are on the right track. Both the Testout and the Radiance family have that center ball. As far as I know, Mme. Caroline Testout is very prickly, and Radiance not so prickly. If you would like us to open a file for this foundling so you can post photos etc, we would need the "study name" and basic details.
Thanks, but I'm not sure what you mean by "Study Name"
The name you call it. One has to give a founding a “study name” because you don’t know its real name and you have to call it something as rosarians usually have another 35 similar foundlings out the back in the pot ghetto. A rose you buy from the nursery has ‘single quotes’ – it is a named rose. A “study name” for a foundling has the internationally recognized “double quotes”. If you see a name with “double quotes” it is unlikely you will find it in any rose book – so that will save you heaps of time looking for it.
Some stupid suggestions for this temporary name: "Greatdanelover's Parti-coloured", "Radio Activity", "Irradiation", "Radial Symmetry". These last three are hints to refer back to Radiance
How tall and wide does this rose grow?
Huge. There is a reason that this rose is also called "Moser House Shed Rose". As I recall, it literally covered a shed.
I moved mine to the back of the lot, to cover a spot where someone might otherwise might walk into my yard. I think of it as a cold climate living fence, rather like 'Mermaid' in the warmer zones. About 15' x 15' at maturity and then it roots where the canes touch the ground.