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In its fifth year in the garden Joan d'Arc seems to be hitting its stride. A sprawling shrub that may take some training to keep it in bounds, it bears flowers not quite so fragrant as those of Blush Noisette, but they are larger and have better substance.
Uploaded 10 SEP 17 |
In its first year in my zone 7b garden. On multiflora roots, it quickly shot up to 8ft in height and bloomed most of the season.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 2 NOV 12 |
08 Jun 17, In its fifth year from Vintage Gardens.
Uploaded 9 JUN 17 |
In its first year, late September. The autumn blooms seem to open and age a little more gracefully, producing colors that just a little less harsh than the spring ones.
Uploaded 22 OCT 12 |
Folklore in my zone 7b garden in its second season. Source: Palatine Roses. It has proven to be one of the more vigorous and perfectly formed of the HTs in my garden
3 favorite votes.
Uploaded 3 NOV 12 |
In its first year. This autumn blossom is not quite two inches across. It surprised me in late summer by quickly sending up a long stem that produced this flower at head height: I've always seen the plant trained at knee height.
5 favorite votes.
Uploaded 22 OCT 12 |
In its first year in my zone 7b garden. Source: Palatine Roses. Uncharacteristically saturated color in the coolness of late September.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 3 NOV 12 |
In its first year, its one flush of bloom so far. This level of saturation lasted perhaps an hour before it began to fade; but the bloom was still presentable in late afternoon. The purplish new foliage really tends to add interest.
Uploaded 22 OCT 12 |