Initial post
5 NOV 14 by
Rose Listing Omission
I posted a message about the existence of this rose about 5 days ago, with details. I now have photos of flowers and buds available to upload, but the rose is not listed yet. I "was"a HMF member a while ago but it seems that my name has been removed from your list. Brian Swale, Clyde, New Zealand. xxx@xxxx.com
[HMF Ed] Email address removed from public text message as it attracts email spammers to the website.
Brian, we so welcome information about Australian-bred roses. Unfortunately spring makes us run so fast, sometimes things slip through the floorboards. Eric Welsh is one of my favourite Australian breeders and I waited years to finally get his ‘Ida Elizabeth’. I had not heard of ‘Cooranbong’ and certainly would have remembered it because in past years I have stayed at my brother-in-law’s house in the New South Wales town of Cooranbong. The rose is now added. Do you have any date? Or Breeder Code name? HelpMeFind is seeking more information about Eric’s WELpa prior to 1993, and ‘Softly’ and ‘Tara’.
Regarding your HelpMeFind account. You do have an active account but it had a different/old (xxx@caverock.net.nz) email address. We have updated your HMF registration email address as well as initiated a password reset on your behalf. Please contact the support dept if you are still unable to sign in.
Also, please be aware posts from "unregistered guests" are typically delayed by the extra scrutiny required.
Who was Alfred James Fraser, the breeder mentioned on the main page for 'Josephine Bruce'. Totty is also mentioned in the 1953 reference (as the introducer?) but this conflicts with Bees who said they were the breeder and introducer.
#1 of 2 posted
7 DEC 11 by
Josephine Bruce is mentioned by Peter Beales in his book "Roses, and illustrated encyclopedia" 1985 - 1992, ISBN 0-00-272178-3 on page 388. He writes" Bees UK 1949, ; 'Crimson Glory' x 'Madge Whipp" (note the spelling) . He says the fragrance is Very Fragrant..
I recieved one in bud and is dark red, very fragrant, with 33 petals. .
Initial post
8 OCT 13 by
Does not include "Cream Delight", listed on page 135 of 'The World of Roses' by Stirling Macaboy, published by David Bateman, 1-86953-374-t 1993, reprinted 1999. Incidentally, Macaboy spells his name incorectly as Schumann.
#1 of 1 posted
8 OCT 13 by
This rose is listed; look under "Plants Discovered"
Initial post
5 JAN 12 by
Scent can be like carnations.