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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 2 JUN 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 JUN 13 by Jay-Jay
Might it be due to the warmer climate, that Your rose is so much lighter, than mine?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 2 JUN 13 by markk
é possibile che sia proprio il nostro clima piu caldo a dare un colore piu chiaro. Le piante sono giovani e bisogna provarle una volta piantate in giardino. Ciao
most recent 29 MAR 13 SHOW ALL
Initial post 14 SEP 11 by markk
Puriti been growing for about three years, already last year a plant has bloomed in September, and it surprised me a lot, because it gives the Puriti not flourishing.
This year in the nursery, two plants last year, after the first bloom of rich premium, they have bloomed profusely. In these days of mid-September, are again in bloom.
Puriti This behavior has already been reported? happened to other growers find some re-flowering?
Thanks for your attention.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 29 MAR 13 by Grntrz5
Vintage Gardens says this rambler repeats a bit, and smells like green apples; their garden is in a mild climate like yours.
most recent 5 AUG 12 SHOW ALL
Initial post 26 JUN 11
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Reply #1 of 4 posted 27 JUN 11 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
Hi Mark, clinophylla seems quite variable as a species from the results I saw here. There were a wide range of sizes among the seedlings I grew out. Some were dwarf like the specimen I gave to Kim Rupert.

Some grew quite tall in a short time, easily 10-12 feet in two seasons. I gave an example of this vigorous clone to Mel Hulse of the San Jose Heritage Rose Garden. He shared it with Cassandra Bernstein who now grows it in Northern California.

I gave clinophylla support to grow tall. If I hadn't the most vigorous seedling would have made a wide shrub easily close to twenty feet across.

This species seems to enjoy warm temperatures and ample water. It appears to be much less vigorous in cooler climates.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 27 JUN 11 by markk
My plants Clynophilla have a very slow growth, the branches are characteristic of falling, consider the late-flowering June 15, this year is abundant.
I think they need support, and I think that here in Italy would find their happy place to the south, Sicily and Sardinia.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 4 AUG 12 by Simon Voorwinde
Mark, I grow clinophylla in a climate that is probably a little more like where you are. I am in Tasmania, Australia. The winters here will get to about -7 with a chance of snow, though this has only happened twice in the years we have been here. Like you, I find clinophylla's growth rate to be slow and plants I raised from seed quite a few years ago have only just flowered for me now... right in the middle of winter. It is evergreen here and I haven't released it into the ground yet. I'm pretty sure that when/if I do it will respond with faster more vigorous growth. Rosa bracteata is closely related and like clinophylla it doesn't want to bloom in summer. Both of them seem to want to bloom well into autumn and into winter for some strange reason. We certainly don't get the perpetual flowering of bracteata that people further north (in Australia) do. This makes them both very difficult species for breeding with down here.

I'm not going to give my clinophylla support if I plant it out in the garden. I don't think it will get big enough to need it here. Bracteata has been in the ground for 4 years and has made a plant about 3ft wide and only about 1ft high.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 5 AUG 12 by markk
Ciao Simon, sto usando il traduttore.
Questo inverno la mia rosa non ha retto a temperature di -17 per circa una decina di giorni. Ama i climi piu miti, dovrò certamente iparare il prossimo inverno la Clinophylla. Ti ringrazio per le informazioni che mi hai dato.
A presto
Reply #5 of 4 posted 5 AUG 12 by markk
Hello Simon, I am using the translator.
This winter my rose has not held up to temperatures of -17 for about ten days. He loves the mild climates, I will certainly iparare Clinophylla the next winter. Thank you for the information you gave me.
See you soon
most recent 21 MAY 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 MAY 12 by brittie
Beautiful picture!
Reply #1 of 1 posted 21 MAY 12 by markk
Thanks for the compliment
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