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Photos photo courtesy of Murphy's Rose
Supposed to be one and the same as Maggie. I see subtle differenced the clustering of the blooms and bloom coloration.
3 favorite votes.  
Fräulein Octavia Hesse photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Aurelija D.
In my garden, 2011 July, Netherlands - the white yellow bloom is Fraulein, the pink one is Spectabilis.
1 favorite vote.  
Baronne Prévost photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of fehngarten, norddeutschland, 8a, juni 2009
3 favorite votes.  
Lady Emma Hamilton photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Citrodora
Delightful rose, preciously smelling, and changing colors from orange to salmon pink!
2 favorite votes.  
Brother Cadfael photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Svetlana Dudina
07.06.2011, Russia, Volgograd
8 favorite votes.  
Tamora photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Cavallo
This bloom had fallen apart like this on its own. I thought it was a good opportunity to show structure that isn't normally seen. Taken at the E. M. Mills Memorial Rose Garden in Syracuse, NY on June 23rd, 2010.
4 favorite votes.  
Duchesse de Rohan photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Carsten
Bordesholm/Northern Germany, July 2013
1 favorite vote.  
The Pilgrim ® photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of David Elliott
Keisei Nursery Garden, Tokyo, Japan Jun3 2012
4 favorite votes.  
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