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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 11 JUN 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 JUN 09 by fleursuzie
I just got this plant from Nor'East, so I thought I would give my "first impression" of the plant.

New plant so I cannot attest to its longevity, bloom habit, or disease resistance.

The flowers are slow to open, then when hitting the half-way point open quickly to a very full bright yellow "carnation" type flower. Very fragrant as compared to my other mini-floras. (clarification: you still need to be within a foot or two of the plant)

Bloom size is 2" on the initial flowering, however I believe it will drop to 1.5 " when multiple buds are on the plant.

My initial thought when I saw the first fully opened bloom was "Wow, they named this one correctly". I am not much into yellow roses, but this one is a show stopper.

Bought from Nor'East roses, but since they are going to stop selling to the public, I am not sure of where else (online) it will be available.
If anyone knows of new availability from other vendors, please let me know. I would like to get several more next season.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 11 JUN 09 by HMF Admin
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.
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