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most recent 11 MAR 08 SHOW ALL
Initial post 21 MAY 06 by Jean Marion
I just received this rose from Uncommon Rose.  Currently it is starting out a typical orange red.  I think it should be reclassified as a 'russet' rose.
Reply #1 of 7 posted 21 MAY 06 by Kim Rupert
The "russet" roses are quite variable, as are the gray ones. With MOST of them, you're going to find a wide variation from oranges to brown. What you're really seeing is usually shades of orange which "blue" much likes the reds often do. Your eye picks this up as brown. Photography most often doesn't as it never interprets, but merely reports the reflected light rays. So, expect to see many different shades in Smoky, as well as Brown Velvet, Black Tea, Victoriana, Jocelyn, Honey Dijon and all the others, depending upon weather, climate, location and all the vagaries of culture.
Reply #2 of 7 posted 21 JAN 07 by Loretta
You may be right about the color variation, but my original oxblood Smoky, and my "Smoky" from Vintage Gardens were planted in the same location, several years apart, so sun and weather were basically the same, yet,,,the color difference was profound! I thought that Vintage had mislabeled the Smoky that I ordered as a replacement when the JP version died, but I actually reordered another plant a year or so later, and it too turned out orange-red yuk!
Reply #3 of 7 posted 22 JAN 07 by Anonymous-97434
Your J&P one was also budded, while all the others you are able to find are own root. That, alone, can produce profound differences. If you go to the Sequoia photos on HMF and take a look at the two photos of Grey Pearl in a green house, you'll see a tremendous difference betwen the two. They are the same clone. One is budded, one is own root. Kim
Reply #5 of 7 posted 18 AUG 07 by Unregistered Guest

You state that budded roses appear different than own root roses... In what way? What does the budding process do to the rose that makes it appear different? I have many roses, half own root, half budded. I'm slowly making the conversion to all own root. I'm wondering "color" wise, which is the better way to go... ??
Reply #6 of 7 posted 10 MAR 08 by Unregistered Guest
it seems logical and natural to plant own root; think about it- a grafted rose is artificial, and an own root is the way God intended it. they take a little longer in some cases to produce, but in the long run they are healthier, more disease resistant and in my opinion, better looking without the huge ungainly knot in their stump. all of my grafted roses have troubled me from the get go, but my own root ones are ass-kickers in every possible way. i think eventually all of the grafted roses are going to be given away to friends and replaced with these. BTW i am in the PNWzone 8.
Reply #7 of 7 posted 11 MAR 08 by RoseBlush
I am not Kim, but I can tell you that he has written a wonderful article for our Ezine on this topic. Just click on Ezine on the navigation bar to the left, then click EZINE SEARCH and enter "own root" in the SEARCH field (be sure to click the SEARCH button instead of the ENTER key) and all of the articles that mention own root plants will appear. When you read Kim' article, you will learn more than you ever expected to know about the difference between selecting an own root plant and a budded plant.

Reply #4 of 7 posted 17 AUG 07 by Bren's Garden
I owned a Smoky for 2 years (it was shovel pruned this spring) and I experienced the same thing you're describing. However, during the spring and the fall, the color did change to the typical Smoky coloration. It was definitely frustrating and I believe was due to its location in my garden, where it received nearly 10 hours of direct sun daily.
most recent 21 JAN 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 JAN 07 by Loretta
I too am looking for this rose. I loved the one I used to have, from Jackson-Perkins years ago, My inquiries to JP have yielded no information. I recall that it was a non-patented rose from Combe in France, i so I guess that status makes it uninteresting to carry as a product. I'd write to the breeder if I knew his address. I've never seen another with this gorgeous oxblood color, not even one I obtained from Vintage Gardens, twice, which was orange-red,almost like a Tropicana. Yuk! My original Smoky was dark red-purple-brown blend, like no rose I ever had seen before. Has it vanished????????
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