HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Daniel Hanna
most recent 5 JUL 11 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 FEB 04 by Daniel Hanna
Radio Times has one of the most powerful rose fragrances I have ever smelt. The blooms are also large, full, lovely and good for cutting. The bush repeat flowers very well.

Powdery mildew is the only drawback. In Sydney it is badly afflicted even when red roses aren't. Spraying is needed to get the best from this rose, but the rewards make it worth while.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 5 JUL 11 by anonymous-427487
Here in Appalachia z. 6b, this rose is fully susceptible to blackspot disease. Also it is much bigger than what the description page suggests, commonly producing 6-7' basals and laterals up to 6'. I struggle to contain it in a 6' wide space. It could be a short climber with support, but be careful with any kind of training, because the young shoots break easily.

It is fully repeating, as all the shoots terminate in a bloom cluster. As other comments suggest, the damask fragrance is often intense, and the natural habit is lax and low-arching.
most recent 7 JUN 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 FEB 04 by Anonymous-797
Why can't I find a rose called "Legend"?
Reply #1 of 2 posted 25 FEB 04 by Daniel Hanna
Jackson & Perkins drop their varieties from commercial production very quickly. It's still available in Australia from Swanes Nurseries. Its fragrance was never that strong to my nose, but the bush is very strong and tall (6' easily). The blooms came on very thick, strong stems and would last a long time in the vase, holding the bud form well.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 7 JUN 09 by CarolynB
I don't know if you're still looking for Legend rose after all this time. In case you might be: I saw it at Regan Nursery in Fremont, CA today. I think they sell their roses by mail order, as well as locally.
most recent 11 AUG 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 FEB 04 by Daniel Hanna
Further to my last comment, Joelle Coury of Delbard ( answered an email inquiry to confirm that they have two varieties known as La Passionata. They recycled the name because they believed the 1969 variety (DELup) was no longer in commercial production. Luckily it does remain in cultivation in Australia. It is truly beautiful - my favourite red HT.

The 1997 variety, DELapo, is described as having petals with an interior colour of true rose and exterior of old gold. As at November 2003 that rose isn't listed on Helpmefind.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 11 AUG 07 by jedmar
Usually we are faster, but DELapo is now in HMF!
most recent 10 APR 06 SHOW ALL
Initial post 25 FEB 04 by Daniel Hanna
Kardinal's fragrance is stronger than 'mild'. It's perhaps not as strong or spicy as Mr Lincoln, but it's one of the best perfumed reds around - almost equal to Kentucky Derby but with smaller flowers.

Because the flower production is so prolific, heavy feeding is required to maintain bloom size at 4" or above. he roses are mostly single on good thick stems, but there are occasional short-stem clusters of two to three blooms in peak periods.

Mildew resistance is above average, but by no means perfect. Black spot resistance is very good.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 10 APR 06
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Reply #2 of 1 posted 10 APR 06
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Reply #3 of 1 posted 10 APR 06 by Warski
If you are able, can you tell me what the bush looks like, the shape, the foliage, color and density?  That would help me a lot in making Kardinal my choice for a particular area.  Also, would it do well in the Los Angeles sun (5 hours).  Thank you.
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