Initial post
8 JUL 04 by
I am looking for a rose called "Delicious" bred in 1995 by Walsh. parentage: Avandel X ([seedling x 'friesia'] x seedling). Does anyone know where I can get it?
We have this rose listed on HMF. It would be better to post this question to the rose page. As we currently do not know of any suppliers, I suggest you add this rose to your "Waiting List" and we will contact if and when a source is found.
We supply this roses in our nursery
Which nursery do you represent ? We would be happy to link your HMF registration to your HMF nursery listing so you may update it with current information.
#4 of 9 posted
5 AUG 08 by
Unregistered Guest
we are the Roses Loubert Collection in the Loire Valley France (about 3,000 roses) here is a link to our website www.rosesloubert.com (the listing has not been updated since 2005, an updated version can be sent as an attachment),
#5 of 9 posted
5 AUG 08 by
I have your 48 page printed catalogue which was apparently prepared for 2007/8. This, however, does not include 'Delicious'. Is there a still newer listing?
Did you know you can maintain your own nursery inventory listing on HMF? It's really quite easy. You can enter all 3000 roses in just a few minutes.
we send by this mail our actual listing
This rose was bred by Eric Welsh in NSW, Australia. (not Walsh). I have placed more references in the 'Delicious' page which may help. I also note this rose was available in Oregon: Beverly R. Dobson Combined Rose List 2005 p75. Delicious., Min. mp. Welsh. 1995. MR 11 (available from) J5. J5 = John ‘s Miniature Roses, 24062 N.E. Riverside Drive, St. Paul, Or 97137.
#8 of 9 posted
6 AUG 08 by
I don't have a paper catalog from John's Miniature Roses, but unfortunately, Delicious is not shown on its website.