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Sergeant Cuff
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2 MAY 17
Roses Removed Spring 2017:

Mme. JP Soupert
Stanwell Perpetual
Star of the Nile
15 MAR 16
Roses removed Spring 2016

Archduke Charles - never grew!
Martha Gonzalez - never grew. Was free, but NO MORE CHINAS here
Kronprinzessin Victoria - Didn't do well, then didn't survive move
Mrs. BR Cant - One can wonder, didn't survive operation. May replace
Alba Semi-Plena - Naked from BS, tall and awkward, thorny.

On the BAD list:
Stanwell Perpetual - grows like a nest, a mess, moved to bad spot
Mme. JP Soupert - crushed, needs better location
Star of the Nile - BS, needs better location
Marie Pavie - recover from move?
Awakening - recover from move? Or will get too big
Mother of Pearl - Ugly
Belle de Crecy - recover from move?
14 MAY 15
Roses removed Fall 2014 and Spring 2015:

Cornelia - fence moved, nowhere to move her.
Francis Dubreuil - BS, so small, beautiful flowers,
Madame Isaac Pereiere - BS, no growth, in bad spot. Replaced with Quadra, we'll see.
Belle Isis - was actually Duchesse de Montebello? No scent somoved and replaced with Belle de crecy that had to be moved.

Lady Hillington - bad winter, never grew much.
Maggie - BS, dieback. lovely flower, would try again.
Lady Ursula - boring, no space.
Wasagaming - sulked after move to fence, dieback. Replaced with Awakening (from shed move).
Harlow Carr - boring, so thorny, bad spot.
2 JAN 14
Roses Removed Jan 2013

Dainty Bess - BS-riddled runt. Such unique, beautiful flowers, yet only 5 or so a year.
Clair Matin - another interesting rose but weakened from BS. Moved at bad time and then died from neglect.
Danae - sacrificed to make room for Clair Matin. Washed out and dirty looking blooms. Not much rebloom.
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