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27 JAN 13
My first SG with naked roots has remained spindly and the new canes that came off were easily broken by kids or dogs jumping the low wall. The second one (2012) - in pot - has done much better flowered all summer and grown well. What color! from the new leaves in spring - orangy- rust to the buds and blooms.
27 JAN 13
I planted one Golden Wings in 2008 - naked roots. It has remained spindly, with stems too weak for even these light flowers. Loving the flower, I tried one in a pot spring 2012. It went strong all summer - blooming continuously until in October. I love the butterfly quality, and the beauty of stamens (?) after petals have fallen. The hips are nice too. Glad I gave it a second try.
27 JAN 13
Planted march 2012. I was not planning to like it (partner choice), but it was wonderful. A blast of color, long blooming, healthy growth this first year. Wonderful.
27 JAN 13
Just planted this in the spring of 2012. It bloomed profusely and grew to twice it's size in this first summer. A delightful small rose.

november 2014
The third summer with Silver River. It sends out long curved stems covered with small roses and never seems to stop blooming! Right now buds are opening on a new stem. All the rest of my roses suffered this year from black spot (the winter was too warm) except for Rosy Carpet and Silver River!
A wonderful choice!
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