How easy is the dog rose to grow from seed?
#1 of 9 posted
28 FEB 06 by
Wendy C
Roses aren't like pansies. They produce seed but each seed is it's own rose. Roses are propagated by cuttings..either grafting, budding or rooting them.
Since the dog rose is a species rose, not a hybrid, I was under the impression that it could be grown from seed and remain true to the parent. Am I wrong in this assumption?
Anyway, I took the chance and am trying to grow from seed. Germination time takes 30 to 60 days so I guess I'll discover the truth this summer if I'm lucky.
I have the dog rose growing wild where I live and the birds will tell you that they are very easy to grow from seed. I would agree with the birds as they have planted many seeds in my garden. Do be warned that this rose suckers madly and has a very short bloom period.
Thanks for the warning. I planted the seed along a chain link fence at the back of our property where there is plenty of room to grow. Unfortunately, I didn't think about the birds and their propensity for re-seeding. Ummmm, I may re-think whether I want this rose or not. I was hoping to add a species rose for interest, but this may not be the one I should have selected.
Hi! I can't find this rose to purchase anywhere and I would be happy to pay for some seeds or cuttings. I want this rose more for it's hips than anything! I plan to make tea and good vitamin C packed things to eat.
For the record, this rose is bird-spread so readily it has become a declared weed in South Australia and I think also in New Zealand. I have a vague memory that its seeds may not sprout till the second year. But it's the same as Punch's advice to those about to marry: don't. Rugosas and spinosissimas are good for hips, but again, if you are thinking of growing them on their own roots; don't. They sucker like mad.
Margaret,. thank you so much for your tender advice. BUT! I WANT this rose! Nobody has it here and there are no birds spreading it. It would be a gift if they did. It is reputed to have the best tasting hips on the earth, and therefore, my quest exists!
Let it sucker!! I'll just plant more of it!
Just click the BUY FROM tab on the rose page. The rose is probably sold under one of it's synonyms rather than by the name of 'Dog Rose'. Most likely is 'R. canina'
I tried the buy tab. For $50 bucks including shipping I could get a weed that birds freely drop? Send me the bird!! Sorry, it just seems so silly that these places are selling a weed for so much cash.