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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 15 DEC 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 31 JAN 07 by Anonymous-102305
I know that they say this rose has a light fragrance but my plant has more of a moderate fragrance. I really like the scent this rose has, fruity.
Reply #1 of 6 posted 1 FEB 07 by digger
I rate fragrance of CM as better than slight, almost moderate. Deb says it is moderate. We like the fragrance too.

Reply #2 of 6 posted 1 FEB 07 by Anonymous-102305
This is one of my favorite type of scents for a rose. I tend to like the fruity scents better than the old rose or tea scents.
I'm glad that I am not the only one that has this as a moderates scent. Now I know I'm not crazy;)
Reply #3 of 6 posted 2 FEB 07 by digger
We have several that aren't supposed to be very fragrant but are for us. I noticed you have Rio Samba. Our Rio Samba's fragrance is as strong as any of our Gamble Award winners. I just smile when people say it can't be that fragrant. The one that really upsets some is Ingrid Bergman. Ingrid has a nice moderate fragrance in this area. I've checked dozens of them in other gardens. There are those that refuse to believe she can have any fragrance.

Reply #4 of 6 posted 18 DEC 08 by taddyd
The ULTIMATE ROSE BOOK states that Catherine Kordes has NO scent and expressed surprise that she spawned the magnificently scented Chrystler Imperial, Mr. Lincoln, Oklahoma, Crimson Glory chain. My Catherine Kordes IS moderate to strong in the perfume dept. Likewise the rose literature has stated how the weakly scented Garden Party parented the super strong Double Delight, yet my Garden Party frequently smells just like a slightly milder version of. Double Delight
Reply #5 of 6 posted 14 APR 09 by digger
Our Garden Party has an almost strong fragrance too. It isn't a stinker but there is no chance it won't be noticed.
Reply #6 of 6 posted 15 DEC 10 by Penelope
My GP smells great as well. Extremely sweet, like sugar. One of my husband's favorites for scent.
most recent 18 DEC 08 SHOW ALL
Initial post 6 JUN 07 by NewsView
I am concerned that my Color Magic may have been mislabled. It looks like a pale version of Queen Elizabeth with no strawberry/scarlet blush. Bloom color does not change much with age, sun or temperature. Should I give it more time? I've only owned it eight months.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 28 AUG 07 by Bren's Garden
I have no experience with this particular rose, but I do know that roses when immature or stressed can throw out blooms that are unlike their 'normal' blooms. Of course, it's also possible that it's simply mislabeled. You might look at your rose's leaves/thorns/habit and compare them to pics of this rose which are listed here and on other rose sites.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 4 SEP 07 by Wendy C
The strange weather this year has many of my roses blooming out of character. My Love and Peace looks like Double Delight... no yellow or orange, which it normally has. I'd give it some time and see if it blooms true when the weather cools.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 18 DEC 08 by taddyd
they are both towering plants but the blooms on Color Magic are MUCH larger.
Have you been able to determine the correct mname yet?
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