My MIL grows this rose in Stockton, CA, and it's her favorite red. It gives tons of roses with great form that she makes bouquets with, and takes to her church. Very good form, and long-lasting. I'm going to get one this year.
#1 of 2 posted
30 JUN 05 by
I just got one this past winter. It seems to produce a lot of blooms but they are rather small. My question is: Do the blooms on Ace of Hearts get larger when it gets established? In other words after the bush has been in planted in a spot for years - years later, when the canes are thicker, are the blooms bigger?
I planted one of these this year and so far all the blooms are tiny--miniature rose size. I certainly hope and expect it should eventually come to normal size but it may take a couple of years. UPDATE: My Ace of Hearts bush never really grew vigorously at all. It slowly declined over a couple of years and then died over the winter. I don't think I would getanother to replace it as it never impressed me at all.