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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Jukka K
most recent 6 AUG 22 SHOW ALL
Initial post 11 JUL 22 by Jukka K
This rose is fully cane hardy in southern Finland (USDA zone 4). Does not set op hips.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 6 AUG 22 by Jos Wijns
I have to revise my opinion, this year for the first time a few hips with open pollination.
most recent 10 DEC 21 SHOW ALL
Initial post 19 OCT 13 by Jukka K
Not fully hardy in southern Finland. Gets more winterkill than the spinosissima hybrids Stanwell perpetual and Klaus Groth in my garden. Susceptible to blackspot. Sets op hips and seeds germinate relatively easily, but very poor success rate in hand pollination.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 5 MAY 14 by Puns 'n' Roses
Is there any explanation as to why pollinating this rose is so hard? I'm new to rose hybridizing, so maybe I'm missing something. And how is it the other way around, using Aicha as the pollen parent? I think it's an exciting rose; I found one specimen in my city, growing 2 meters high and wide, and flourishing, without any human care as far as I could notice.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 7 MAY 14 by Jukka K
It's certainly a beautiful and tough rose, except perhaps for the blackspot susceptibility. I don't know why Aicha is reluctant to accept pollen from other roses. I have the impression that species roses (and apparently hybrids close to species) often are reluctant to accept pollen from modern hybrids, and work better as pollen parent. Someone else may know better. I haven't used Aicha as pollen parent extensively, but I thinks it's fertile.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 8 MAY 14 by HMF Admin
Thank you so much for sharing your expertise - that's what HMF is all about.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 10 DEC 21 by BethJ
Thanks for this information.
I'm looking to grow Aicha this year and am also interested in trying to breed roses in a very amateur, purely for enjoyment, way.
I'm hopefully ordering from Palatine Roses once their site is up and running.
most recent 8 JUL 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 JUL 21 by Jukka K
This rose seems very winter hardy. Had no damage after the quite harsh winter 20-21, when many hardy roses had a lot of dry branches in southern Finland. Nicely mossed and resin-scented buds.
most recent 7 MAR 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 MAR 21 by Jukka K
The flowers are scentless but last very long, about 10 days, making the bloom very abundant.
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