I would like to use the photo of Vogue/Floribunda/Boerner taken by Yankee Doodle Stevie in 2018. How do I go about getting permission?
This is a top rated orange for us. Shreveport is bright orange juice orange, sometimes with a hint of yellow at the flower's base. The blooms are very well shaped, and given in ample amounts. The plant is of medium height, and is quite bushy. No disease of any kind here, regardless of weather. Too bad the supply seems to have dried up since it's a winner in every way.
What is it about Shreveport that results in a 7.0 rating in the 2021 ARS Handbook for Selecting Roses? Is it winter tender? There must be some faults to render a 7.0 rating.
It is now available from Edmunds' Roses.
For ARS reports, even if it's for a garden rating, exhibitors can be still hardstuck on rose concepts and judge them based on that.
From a gardeners point of view, its an easy rose, but there is a lot of just foliage going on until the top level where the roses are. Midas Touch has this problem. Also, the canes bust really easy because the candelabras weigh it down due to everything being top-loaded. Further, the foliage isn't pretty. Its mid-green and matte. From a cuttable point of view, the bloom form is very variable.
But the selling points is that the color is nice, and it's a very easy rose to grow. Health is above average for its generation of roses, so it's an okay all-rounder.
The ratings can be a tricky thing. I don't have data to prove it but I have to believe that California rosarians skew the ratings a great deal. They don't have to deal with blackspot which for most of the country is a real issue. They also have the luxury of not worrying about winter protection. OK - so they get powdery mildew. That is easily controlled compared to blackspot. It can also result in lower ratings. Why is Malibu rated only 7.1? Is it because it won't open in coastal climates? How is Malibu in the warm, humid mid-west? I am hoping it's good since I just planted two of them!
Yeah, in all of the ARS books, it becomes apparent which districts grow and report more.
Our Gene Boerner is pretty huge. Slightly taller than me (I'm six feet even.) And even wider. But it takes well to pruning into whatever shape you care to give it.
It's flower producing capabilities are amazing. Hundreds of medium sized bright pink blossoms that are shaped like little hybrid teas. It lasts well when cut, and seems to be a favorite of local birds to nest build in. :) It also has relatively few thorns and stands up to 100 degree heat. No disease to speak of.
To me, it blows those Knock Out roses completely out of the water. No comparison. While I am no doubt in the minority, I even prefer Gene to Queen Elizabeth. The shapeliness of the flowers makes it rather unique among such free flowering varieties. No sacrifice of quality for quantity here.
It seems to be undergoing a revival of sorts at big box stores and nurseries. At least here in AZ. I for one am glad as it deserves to be widely available.
I bought one of the box store 'Gene Boener' body bags. Even with virus, alas, it still blooms all summer on a strong plant and has survived two winters so far. In my zone 5 garden it gets about 4' tall. I agree that this is truly a great rose.
Its a good rose. Its only major faults are scentlessness and petals like to cling on for dear life.
Initial post
14 OCT 12 by
If someone who has never EVER grown roses was to come to me and ask what should they try my answer would be TIFFANY. It, unlike Queen Elizabeth which is also so easy to grow, it LOOKS like what people WANT a rose to look like: big bloom generally on a single stem, fragrant, warm pink lit gold....indestructable....hardy.............for the more saged growers I think it doesn't really "stand out" is one of those reliable "work horses" definately worth a place in the line-up but almost BECAUSE it lacks any sort of notable faults or ticks and is basically PINK it sort of gets a little forgotten about but really should be more lauded by us old rose souls..........60 years old and it is available own root, budded, mail order, upscale garden center, grocery store, probably in a fast food drive thru as well (!).........and always has been...............and always should IS what people THINK of when they think ROSE..........surprisingly it has been a parent to more notable varieties than one would think, too....some pass on the good more than others and Tiffany is one of those....I am a grower who slightly favors the abstreuse and forgets to pay attention to/love the more obvious who perform so well, are so strong, and who were introduced mid-century (my specialty/interest) and are just so SOLID.........this is a GREAT rose...........
For those who are "saged": compare Tiffany to Helen Traubel!!!! Both were AARS early 50's but 60 years ahead there is just no comparison. There wasn't 10 years later in my opinion. Traubel was still highly rated into the 70's but weak necks, no scent, can ball, color is a little mutable, and the plant just sprawls and sprawls messily.............when I think Tiffany seems "bland" I remind myself to look beyond the color and look at the plant, smell the bloom, and so on.............
I truly appreciate your comment, and completely agree. You led me to realize that I haven't paid due attention to my Tiffany, for just the reasons you gave. Now I can hardly wait for May/June so I can see what I've been missing!
Bravo! (or brava, as the case may be.) This is a great case in point for those of us, mostly older folks, who believe that no rose is ever "superseded" or "replaced" by something more modern. This is a great rose, regardless of anything that came before or after; it's simply itself, and very beautiful (ladies, try one of the vase-shaped buds on the lapel of a pale yellow or green summer jacket!!) The fragrance is also something special, and it carries like crazy. Add easy cultivation to that, and you've got a winner, in this or any other decade.
Belinda's Dream, one of the most Blackspot resistant "Large Flowered" roses I grow, came from Tiffany. In the super humid climate of Northwest Florida, this one receives no fungicide spray except one of Lime-Sulfur during the dormant season. Believe me, this is the mecca for Blackspot.
You give a spot-on review. For me, I almost ignore it as much as I ignore it's child, Belinda's Dream. There's just nothing that really bowls you over about it...except maybe for the scent. I think my biggest issue is that it the blooms are just so floppy and don't last long. 3 days and the blooms go from buds to all the petals blown off. I agree, it's an easy grower, but it's just...blah. It's like meeting the perfect significant other and them having the most bland personality. Great on paper, forgettable in reality.
#5 of 7 posted
8 APR 18 by
LOVE your comment! And I do agree that somehow Tiffany may even be the "perfect" rose on paper...alas, not how it plays out for a lot of us......
It sounds like we have rather similar tastes in some regards. I too consider the middle of the 20th century to be the golden age of roses. The vast majority of varieties we have grown have been released from that general era (cheating a bit on either side occasionally.)
Tiffany is indeed an all-time and modern classic. As you say, it is everything one could want in a rose. Where we are, weather can sometimes vary from the 40's one night to 90 degree highs just a day or two later. But ole gal Tiffany just keeps chugging along, looking and smelling great. There is something quite charming about it's silvery pink with gold heart flower. No disease to speak of. Cuts well. My Mom's all-time favorite, I would never be without her.
#7 of 7 posted
5 MAY 18 by
One ought to try to obtain the climbing version. You could cut long-stemmed roses for the vase too from her.