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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Mary Eastman Wilbur
most recent 25 FEB 04 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 FEB 04 by Anonymous-797
I need to see if this rose smells good.
Can it grow fast?
Reply #1 of 4 posted 25 FEB 04 by Unregistered Guest
Yes, it smells wonderful, a little citrus and orange. If I remember correctly, in its first year it growed immensly good. Yes, I would say, it has a very good grow. Recommended!
Reply #2 of 4 posted 25 FEB 04 by Unregistered Guest
I nhave ababy abraham d. two thin branches, total of 10" in heigth, it ispoorly how can I help it. I got it as a cutting started last year.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 25 FEB 04 by Unregistered Guest
Outstanding fragrance! One of the best!
My Abraham Darby bushes got about 3-4 feet tall in their first year. They have really taken off in their second. This rose bloomed like crazy its first year. In fact, this rose is one of the best bloomers of any rose I own (in both quantity and quality of the flowers).
Other outstanding qualities are its shade tolerance and hardiness. Two of my bushes only get about 4 hours of sun and still bloom like mad. I had no dieback during a very bad Pennsylvania winter (lost over half of my hybrid teas). The only downfall of this rose is that it gets blackspot (however, it does not seem to affect the vigor of the plant).
Reply #4 of 4 posted 25 FEB 04 by Mary Eastman Wilbur
My brief experience (two years) with this rose is that very large blooms have a weaker fragrance than smaller ones. Has anyone else noticed this?
most recent 25 FEB 04 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 FEB 04 by Mary Eastman Wilbur
How hardy is this rose? Will it survive a U.S. zone 5 winter with or without winter protection?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 25 FEB 04 by Clara
Miniatures are said to be pretty hardy, but to be on the safe side even in my Zone 6 garden, I mulch them up for the winter. You're in a colder zone than I am, so to be on thesafe side I would protect the plant for the winter.
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