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most recent 11 OCT 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 13 APR 07 by Graceland Rose
Good Afternoon,
i hope that you can help me.I am looking for Graceland Rose.I would like to know where and if I can still get this rose. it was my mom's favorite and now that she has passed my daghter would like to have this rose in memory of her grandma.
Thank you for your help and hope to her from you soon.
Bonnie Williams
Reply #1 of 3 posted 9 MAY 07 by Unregistered Guest
Bonnie, I have a graceland rose and would love to start one for you. It is a very hardy yellow rose with blooms all the time from spring to fall. Petals do not drop when flower is spent. I was also looking for one online and couldn't find one. Maybe I will start some seedlings and make them available to people. Carol Chorney PS I live in Kennewick, WA
Reply #3 of 3 posted 11 OCT 07 by carole
I have been looking for another Graceland rose since 1994 when I bought 3 at a little hardware store in San Diego because of the name (another story for another time) . It turned out to be one of my favorite roses. The more I pruned it, the more flowers I got. I found they last longest of any rose once cut. I had moved them once in San diego when we relocated and when we moved up to the northwest two and a half years ago I couldn't bear to leave them behind knowing I may never find another one. I trimmed back two of them as well as I could (they were HUGE by now), packed their roots in wet sawdust, put them in a giant box, crossed my fingers and put them on the moving van. A week later they arrived and with the help of a good friend we planted them in thier new home. That was in mid January and by spring they were blooming their heads off! Unfortuately they didn't fair so well the next winter, it was so cold for so long it took it's toll. I'm sure I've lost one and the other one is struggling.
I have a strong sentimental attachment to the name as well as loving the rose itself and if you ever did start those seedlings I would be SO interested. I'm about to try myself out of desperation before mine expire completely. I have no idea how successful I might be but it can't hurt to try. I hate to lose it forever.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 9 MAY 07 by HMF Admin
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