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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 27 DEC 18 SHOW ALL
Initial post 13 NOV 13 by garyrichard
Information is incorrect. Rose has not been released in Germany only in the USA
Reply #1 of 4 posted 14 NOV 13 by HMF Admin
Do you know if Chamblee Roses was the nursery to introduce it in the US ?
Reply #2 of 4 posted 14 NOV 13 by garyrichard
Newflora is the introducer of the Kordes varieties in the USA. Mark had introduced an earlier rose with the same commercial name which he withdrew from the market. Later we introduced KORfizlem under the name Lemon Fizz with Mark's permission. He does grow and sell the cultivar.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 14 NOV 13 by HMF Admin
Thank you.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 27 DEC 18 by Philip_ATX
By 2017, Kordes Rosen introduced this rose in Germany. (They reconsidered their earlier decision not to introduce in Europe following, I believe, the results of trialing by their representative at the time, NewFlora, here in the USA.)
most recent 10 MAY 16 SHOW ALL
Initial post 13 NOV 13 by garyrichard

While there is a rose KORumneza this seedling number is in error. Kordes has not released this rose and it has never been offered for sale commercially in the world, so the date of 2002 is incorrect and troubling information. Having this on the internet will cause problems with patent filing in N. America. Where was this information obtained? Can you remove it from the site?


Chris Pellett
North American Representative for Kordes
Reply #1 of 3 posted 14 NOV 13 by HMF Admin
We have updated the listing - is this satisfactory ?
Reply #2 of 3 posted 10 MAY 16 by ANDREARK
Nice of Chris be concerned about the public welfare...Thanks Chris.

A. Koppel
Reply #3 of 3 posted 10 MAY 16 by Kim Rupert
The concern was with the company's ability to patent the rose and legally collect royalties, not with the "public's welfare", Andrea. Patent laws state you have one year from the "public introduction" of a plant to patent it and demand royalties for its production. Public introduction can mean as little as posting a photo of it on line with any information that specifically identifies the plant. Patent Office employees are very well versed in internet searches.
most recent 11 DEC 15 SHOW ALL
Initial post 16 OCT 15 by garyrichard
Awarded ADR in 2015

Avaiable from:

Greenheart Farms
Chamblee's Roses
Roses Unlimited
Northland Rosarium
Reply #1 of 4 posted 16 OCT 15 by Patricia Routley
Sorry garyrichard. I must be muddle-headed this morning. What is ADR?
Reply #2 of 4 posted 25 NOV 15 by bluebuster77
:) ADR is highest rose award in Germany. Just like AARS in United States. ADR = Anerkannte Deutsche Rose Novelty Trials
Reply #3 of 4 posted 25 NOV 15 by Patricia Routley
Thank you bluebuster77. Having never added the ADR awards before, I think I had better leave these awards for another administrator to add.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 11 DEC 15 by Claus Elvers 1965
As discussed in October + November already, "ADR" has to be added.
most recent 28 OCT 15 SHOW ALL
Initial post 20 JAN 14 by garyrichard
KORtutu Archbishop Desmund Tutu was introduced in USA in 2010.

I am not sure what the statement below means:
Large, very double, borne mostly solitary, cluster-flowered, in small clusters, cupped bloom form.

Kordes classifies this rose as a floribunda. It is exceptionally floriferous with clear red blooms and a classic high centered bud form. Slight fragrance. Very good resistance to both black spot and mildew. It performs very well in very hot conditions.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 20 JAN 14 by jedmar
Kordes' site has KORtutu as a Floribunda, but the application to the ARS was made as a Shrub. Both classes are listed.
Born mostly solitary, in small clusters means that while the bloom are in clusters up to about 10, it can also have solitary blooms. The high-centered bud form would be denoted by long, pointed buds, while the bloom is definitely cupped (see photos). The disease resistance is decribed on the Kordes website as slightly susceptible to black spot and mildew, regenerates on its own.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 28 OCT 15 by Michael Garhart
I saw it locally in person. I can see how it could be classes as MS, GR, HT, or FL. It is kind of a sloppy-shaped rose. The color is great, even in our rain. The foliage is pretty. The plant w/ the flower shape felt very unappealing to me. I passed on buying it, after seeing it grown locally.
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