Can someone tell me where I can buy a Rhonda Rose? will it grow in S. Florida? I have been looking for this rose for 20 years and couldnt find it. you can email me. rhondamcgrail@aol.com thanx for any information, Rhonda McGrail
Did you click the BUY FROM tab ?
#2 of 4 posted
9 MAY 07 by
rosesunlimitedownroot.com (Laurens S.C)
#3 of 4 posted
9 OCT 07 by
Unregistered Guest
My fellow namesake:
I too am wanting to grow the Rhonda Rose. I thought I had it made, when I found that Vintage Gardens of CA had carried this rose in the past. Unfortunately, they have decided not to propogate it for 2008. I'll fwd. you the email conversations that I had with this company. It sounds like the rose may be special ordered, but will end up being one pricey rose.
Naturally, I want to grow this rose because it is my name with even the correct spelling. I also learned that it was named most likely for the silverscreen star Rhonda Flemming. My mom told me that she named me after this star. To make the rose even more appealing to me, it was hybridized the year that I was born!
Perhaps, if enough of us Rhondas bug Vintage Gardens, they will propogate it again in the near future!
Click the BUY FROM tab in the upper right portion of the rose page and scroll down. You'll find that several nurseries have indicated that they carry this rose in their inventory.
Smiles, Lyn