Photo courtesy of CybeRose
Rose Breeder
Listing last updated on Fri Mar 2025
Montebello, California United States
1920, April 8. Florists’ Review Vol 45, No 1167, p25 Business sagacity and horticultural skill are well combined in Jacob Dieterich, of Los Angeles, Cal. He was born in Wurttemberg, Germany, in 1867, and gained with Mertz, of Stuttgart, and J. C. Schmidt, of Erfurt, a thorough grounding for his life-work. After two years of landscape work in Switzerland, he came to this country in 1888, not stopping till he reached Los Angeles. There he worked in the first flower store in the city, then called the Central Park Floral Co. Four years after his arrival, he started in business for himself on Wall street. In 1908 he formed a partnership with H. W. Turner, for growing at Montebello, buying out his partner’s interest nine years later. In 1919 he sold his business to Roy F. Wilcox and in the same year bought land at Wintersburg, where he is growing chiefly aspidistras, having a special permit from the government to import large quantities. This year he bought ten acres in the San Fernando valley, much of which he expects to plant to Erica melanthera.
1926. December 18. Florists' Exchange, p. 1407 The many friends of Jacob Dieterich of Los Angeles, Cal., were greatly shocked by the news of his tragic death on Dec. 5 [1926] as a result of an attack made upon him at his greenhouse on Wall st. the preceding night. Mr. Dieterich was 60 years of age and a well known nurseryman, having been connected with the trade in Los Angeles for the past 20 years. Mr. Dieterich was born in Germany and came to this country when a young man. He leaves a widow, Mrs. Ida Dieterich, two daughters and one son. The funeral was held on Wednesday, Dec. 8, and his many friends paid their last respects through their presence and many beautiful floral offerings..