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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Lim :林 彬, Peter Ping
Discussion id : 124-835
most recent 6 JAN 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 JAN 21 by slumgullion
Looks like "Chi" is too new to have a listing on HMF? Not sure how new roses get added...this is always where I go first to get details about a rose before buying....
Reply #1 of 3 posted 3 JAN 21 by Patricia Routley
‘Chi’ now added. Thank you slumgullion. New roses are added whenever we hear about them. We are too few at HelpMefind to actively search the world for new roses and we depend on our members to tell us about them, preferably with an URL that shortens our task considerably.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 4 JAN 21 by Ping
Thank you Patricia to add CHI to the list!
Photos will be filled in soon. Ping
Reply #3 of 3 posted 6 JAN 21 by slumgullion
Hi Patricia - noted, next time I'll include the link. Thanks for adding Chi!
Discussion id : 102-109
most recent 20 FEB 18 SHOW ALL
Initial post 6 JUL 17 by StrawChicago heavy clay zone 5
I admire your purple "Flying Kiss" climber, will look for that at local HomeDepot. Is "Flying Kiss" sold as own-root, or grafted on Dr.Huey ?? Thanks for any info. Saw a bed of your "My Girl" rose at nearby Cantigny Rose Park, amazing healthy leaves & tons of blooms. Also saw a bed of your "Kashmir" rose at Chicago Botanical Garden, zone 5b ... amazing health & so many blooms. A friend in zone 5a raved about your "Kiss me" rose, which she bought from Lowe's. I bought your Grandma's blessing, so many blooms in a pot at HomeDepot ... I was torn between that versus Pink-Knock-out, and I chose Grandma's blessing at the end ... love those shiny & healthy foliage.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 20 FEB 18 by Rosesbyping
Wow! Thank you for the nice comments and the love of roses! FlyingKiss(aka:True Gratitude) on it own root this year release in limited quantity, if you find in any store please grab it as soon as you can! Hopefully our production will be caught up! Again, thank you! sincerely Ping
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